Bombardiero - 01-09-2008 12:48:14

Tenisista pochodzący z Chile.Urodził się 29 lipca 1980 roku w Santiago.Swoją rezydencję ma w mieście La Reina.Mierzy 182 cm i waży 81 kg.Swoją zawodową karierę rozpoczął w 1999 roku.Fernando gra prawą ręką i dysponuje jednoręcznym backhandem.Najmocniejszą stroną jego gry jest forehand, który potrafi zagrać piekielnie mocno i precyzyjnie.Słynie z szalonych zagrań, jednak ostatnio trochę się uspokoił.Dość szybko porusza się po korcie, ma dobry serwis i przyzwoity wolej.Najsłabszą stroną Gonza jest jego backhand, który najczęściej slajsuje.Obecnym trenerem Chilijczyka jest Larry Stefanki.

Swój pierwszy tytuł Fernando zdobył w 2000 r. w amerykańskim Orlando, gdzie w finale pokonał innego Chilijczyka Nicolasa Massu.Na kolejne turniejowe zwycięstwo musiał czekać 2 lata by zwyciężyć w Vina del Mar, gdzie wygrywał później dwukrotnie (2004, 2008).W 2004 roku zdobył brązowy medal w singlu, a złoty w deblu(z Massu) na igrzyskach olimpijskich w Atenach.Osiągnął ćwierćfinał w każdym z turniejów wielkoszlemowych, a Australian Open 2007 dotarł do finału po znakomitym turnieju(pokonał tam min. Nadala, Blake'a i Hewitta, przegrał z Federerem).W tym sezonie zakwalifikował się do kończącego sezon Masters Cup i już w pierwszym meczu sprawił niespodziankę pokonując Federera, jednak następne dwa mecze przegrał.

W tym sezonie niestety nie udało się obronić punktów zdobytych przed rokiem w Australian Open, jednak wygrał 2 turnieje (Vina del Mar i Monachium).Osiągnął 1/4 na Roland Garros, gdzie przegrał z Federerem.Poza tym zdobył srebrny medal na igrzyskach olimpijskich w Pekinie.

Jak dotąd Fernando ma na swoim koncie 10 turniejowych zwycięstw ( Orlando 2000, Vina del Mar (2002, 2004, 2008), Palermo 2002, Auckland 2005, Amersfoort 2005, Bazylea 2005, Pekin 2007, Monachium 2008).Nie jest to tenisista, który wygrywa największe turnieje, jednak stać go na dobry wynik na każdej nawierzchni.Najwyżej w rankingu był na miejscu 5 w Styczniu ubiegłego roku.Obecnie znajduje się na pozycji 15.

aś - 28-10-2008 15:39:12


1. Orlando 2000
1st d. Cecil Mamiit 62 75
2nd d. Antony Dupuis 75 76
QF d. Paradorn Srichaphan 63 63
SF d. Martin Rodriguez 60 36 75

Robertinho - 28-10-2008 15:41:04

2. Vina del Mar 2002
1st d. Agustin Calleri 64 60
2nd d. Felix Mantilla 61 76
QF d. Jose Acasuso 64 76
SF d. Nicolas Coutelot 63 63
F d. Nicolas Lapentti 63 67 76

aś - 28-10-2008 15:41:55

3. Palermo 2002
1st d. Zeljko Krajan 63 62
2nd d. Albert Montañes 64 64
QF d. Alberto Martin 62 75
SF d. Bohdan Ulihrach 61 62
F d. Jose Acasuso 57 63 61

Robertinho - 28-10-2008 15:43:19

4. Vina del Mar 2004
1st d. Albert Montanes 61 75
2nd d. ADRIAN GARCIA 75 61
SF d. Flavio Saretta 62 63
F d. Gustavo Kuerten 75 64

aś - 28-10-2008 15:43:55

5. Auckland 2005
1st d. James Blake 76 61
2nd d. Mariano Zabaleta 63 64
QF d. Robby Ginepri 63 64
SF d. Juan Ignacio Chela 64 62
F d. Olivier Rochus 64 62

Robertinho - 28-10-2008 15:47:37

6. Amersfoort 2005
1st d. Kristof Vliegen 62 61
2nd d. Robin Vik 62 62
QF d. Daniele Bracciali 63 63
SF d. David Sanchez 62 61
F d. Agustin Calleri 75 63

aś - 28-10-2008 15:47:55

7. Basel 2005
1st d. Andreas Seppi 76 63
2nd d. Michael Berrer 64 75
QF d. Andy Murray 64 36 61
SF d. Dominik Hrbaty 60 63
F d. Marcos Baghdatis 67 63 75 64

Robertinho - 28-10-2008 15:50:03

8. Beijing 2007
1st d. Alexander Peya 3-6 6-3 7-5
2nd d. PAUL CAPDEVILLE 6-1 6-2
QF d. Hyung-Taik Lee 7-5 6-7 6-4
SF d. Ivan Ljubicic 2-6 6-3 6-4
F d. Tommy Robredo 6-1 3-6 6-1

aś - 28-10-2008 15:50:38

Debel 1) Athens Olympic Games 2004 w/Massu

1st d. Knowles/Merklein (BAH) 7-5 6-4
2nd d. Etlis/Rodriguez (ARG) 6-3 7-6
QF d. Bryan/Bryan (USA) 7-5 6-4
SF d. Ancic/Ljubicic (CRO) 7-5 4-6 6-4
F d. Kiefer/Schuettler (GER) 6-3 4-6 3-6 7-6 6-4

Robertinho - 28-10-2008 15:53:03

Debel 2) Valencia 2005 w/Martin Rodriguez
1st d. Haggard/Koenig (RSA) 6-4 6-3
QF d. Andreev/Davydenko (RUS) 7-6 1-6 6-2
SF d. Knowle (AUT)/Pala (CZE) 6-4 6-3
F d. Arnold/Hood (ARG) 6-4 6-4

aś - 28-10-2008 15:53:57

Debel 3) Basel 2005 w/Calleri
1st d. Kohlmann/Waske (GER) 7-5 6-4
QF d. Karlovic/Zovko (CRO) W.O.
SF d. Bryan/Bryan (USA) 6-4 2-6 6-2
F d. Huss (AUS)/Moodie (RSA) 7-5 7-5

Robertinho - 28-10-2008 15:55:25

9. Vina del Mar (3 time)
1st d. PAUL CAPDEVILLE 7-5 6-3
2nd d. Diego Hartfield 6-3 6-4
QF d. Carlos Berlocq 7-5 6-0
SF d. Pablo Cuevas 6-7 7-6 6-2 (saving 2 mp)
F d. Juan Monaco W.O.

aś - 28-10-2008 15:55:37

10. Munich
1st d. Dudi Sela 6-3 6-4
2nd d. Kristof Vliegen 1-6 7-5 6-3
QF d. Marat Safin 6-3 7-5
SF d. Younes El Aynaoui 3-6 6-4 6-3
F d. Simone Bolelli 7-6 6-7 6-3

COA - 09-02-2009 17:42:14

11. Vina del Mar x4

1/8 Gonzalez, Maximo (ARG)  7-5 7-6(7)
1/4 Monaco, Juan (ARG)   6-0 6-2
1/2 Cuevas, Pablo (URU)  6-3 6-2
F    Acasuso, Jose (ARG)  6-1 6-3

DUN I LOVE - 09-02-2009 21:15:07

Fenia staje się ikoną swojego krajowego turnieju. 4 tytuł i jak się spojrzy na wyniki to poza 1 rundą są one bajeczne. 11 gemów stracił ledwie w 6 ostatnich partiach - szacunek :)

11 już tytuł ale brakuje czegoś naprawdę wartościowego, a na co ten zawodnik oczywiście jak najbardziej zasłużył.

asiek - 21-06-2009 20:38:28

[Musisz być zalogowany, aby przeczytać ukrytą wiadomość]

DUN I LOVE - 22-06-2009 14:12:35

Tu mamy specjalny temat. Tak na wypadek, jakby ktoś chciał więcej fotek wrzucić ;)

MaRQs - 01-07-2009 11:59:39

To Gonzalez i Dulko nie są już razem?:O

asiek - 01-07-2009 12:45:20

Już od jakiegoś czasu nie...Przynajmniej tak sądzą na mtfie :D Bo jak naprawde jest to już trzeba Fernanda spytać.

MaRQs - 01-07-2009 13:59:52

Może coś w tym jest bo nawet na Wimblu nie grali mixta. Ah ta Gisela, to już 4 kolejny tenisista...

DUN I LOVE - 01-07-2009 14:04:08

MaRQs napisał:

To Gonzalez i Dulko nie są już razem?:O

Zdaje się, że wracali do siebie, aż wreszcie rozstali się na dobre ;)
Poniżej fragment artykułu z 2008 roku:

Dulko and Gonzalez also broke up in 2008 but after a few weeks they decided to get back together... will that happend again in 2009??? only they know... … z+Broke+up


MaRQs - 01-07-2009 14:15:43

Własnie to czytalem. Prawdziwa love story. Szkoda

szeva - 06-10-2009 19:35:43

Senor de Recha czyli Pan Forhend, ma prawdziwie piorunujące uderzenie z prawej strony, szkoda że po finale AO 07 obniżył loty bo stać go na dobre wyniki, niektórzy mogą psioczyc że został ograbiony przez sędziego ze zwycięstwa w SF RG z Soderlingiem, do historii przeszło jego wytarcie śladu d...

DUN I LOVE - 13-11-2009 20:56:37

Paryski wywiad z Feną:

Q: Where would you find the Mona Lisa?
A: At the Louvre.

Q: Where is the best view from the Eiffel Tower?
A: I went to the Maison Blanche restaurant to see it, but the view from the Café de l’Homme is the best.

Q: What is the name of the main football team in Paris?
A: Paris Saint-Germain.

Q: How many times has Roger Federer won the BNPPM?
A: 0.

Q: Who are the two players who have won the most BNPPM titles?
A: I think it’s Marat and maybe Forget? (correct answer: Marat Safin and Boris Becker).

Q: In 2002, you lost in the first round of the doubles, do you remember who your team-mate was?
A: Easy, it was Andy, Andy Roddick.

Q: How do you explain that you’ve never won a match at the BNPPM?
A: I have no explanation for that. I think I’m 0-and-6. Sometimes I was playing well and other times I was horrible and sometimes I was just tired. But I’ve never won a match. But I’m going to try this year, it’s one of my goals. Three of the six times I had played the final in Basle and then played in Paris on Tuesday so I was a bit tired, but for the others I have no excuse.

Q: What do you associate with the BNPPM?
A: I think of the stadium and the live music and the atmosphere which is great. I like Roland Garros with all the history but the BNPPM is more of a show, and I like that.

jaccol55 - 15-11-2009 20:52:01

González bojkotowany przez federację Chile

Fernando González, jedenasta rakieta świata, nie został zgłoszony do plebiscytu na najlepszego tenisistę kraju przez chilijską federację. Zawodnik jest z nią skłócony i nie występuje w reprezentacji Pucharu Davisa.
Spór ma nie mieć jednak według prezydenta José Hinzpetera związku z pominięciem Gonzáleza, trzykrotnego medalisty olimpijskiego (mistrza deblowego z Aten), finalisty Australian Open sprzed dwóch lat. Według szefa federacji González... wygrał plebiscyt już wiele razy.

W opozycji do Hinzpetera stoją byli zawodnicy Jaime Fillol i Horacio de la Peña, którzy nie widzą żadnej logiki w pominięciu Gonzáleza jako kandydata do nagrody Związku Dziennikarzy Sportowych. To federacje zgłaszają w Chile nominacje na najlepszego w danej dyscyplinie.

Także dzięki Gonzálezowi, który w czwartek pożegnał się z marzeniami o finałach cyklu World Tour, Chile przeżywało w maju tego roku prawdziwe szaleństwo. Większość sportowych kolumn zajmowały informacje o jego popisie w Roland Garros (osiągnął półfinał), a także o Manuelu Pellegrinim jako nowym szkoleniowcu Realu Madryt.

W pertraktacje ze skłóconym zawodnikiem, popularnym El Bombardero (nazwany tak z powodu znakomitego forhendu), by przywrócić go dla reprezentacji Chile (nawet bez swojego numer jeden i tak występuje w Grupie Światowej), chce włączyć się prezydent republiki, pani Michelle Bachelet.

Do nagrody na najlepszego tenisistę w kraju kandydują weteran Nicolás Massú oraz młodzi Camila Silva i Benjamín Ugarte. … cje-chile/

DUN I LOVE - 14-01-2010 23:45:49

Fena w DEUCE.

The People's Champion

Fernando Gonzalez's high-octane game is at odds with his down-to-earth, off-court demeanour. It's an unusual, but successful mix.

It's the debate of choice among Chile's growing legion of tennis fans: Who is the best Chilean player of all time: Marcelo Rios or Fernando Gonzalez? While that argument shows no sign of abating, there is no doubt that Gonzalez stands alone as the country's favourite tennis son.

"Once he started doing so well this year the debate started again," says Benjamin Witte, sports editor of the Santiago Times. "It is tough to beat Rios as he got to No. 1, but the people, the sports fans, really want Gonzalez up at the top."

Nicolas Pereira, former ATP player and current ESPN tennis commentator, knows why: "He (Gonzalez) is good to the public; he is hard working and very modest. The people can identify with him," Pereira says. "I think that Chileans are grateful to have a tennis star that is very down to earth. He is a great ambassador."

"Both Fernando and Marcelo have been great for Chilean tennis," says Chilean Patricio Apey, a former coach of Gonzalez's. "We are such a small country and to have two players like them can only help the younger generations."

    "Whoever said that tennis is not a contact sport has never stood in the line of fire of a Gonzalez forehand."

Ask almost anyone on the ATP World Tour about Fernando Gonzalez and the first thing they will mention is the quality of his character. The second thing that they reference is the quantity of his forehand.

"My impression of Gonzo was that he was very genuine. What you saw on and off court was the real guy," says Paul Settles, former ATP World Tour tour manager. "He had the respect of his peers in the locker room, and not just by the South Americans or Spanish speaking players. His appeal crossed international borders. And his forehand will remain one of the most feared weapons in modern day tennis."

Whoever said that tennis is not a contact sport has never stood in the line of fire of a Fernando Gonzalez forehand. It is a weapon that commands respect and demands that it be approached with extreme caution. Easily recognised by the mother of all backswings - a windmill wind-up that packs a heavy bullet load - it is considered one of the best forehands the game has ever seen. Armed with that lethal weapon, Gonzalez burst onto the scene back in 2000.

Gonzalez Fernando Gonzalez and coach Raul Viver are having dinner at the Olive Garden restaurant in Orlando, Florida. With an ATP ranking of 352, Gonzalez is sure that he will not get into the qualies of the US Clay Court Championships. Viver is now on the phone requesting a wild card.

"They told me that the wild cards are only for Americans," Viver remembers. "I told them that this kid is really good, he could actually win the tournament." Gonzalez must have been listening to his coach, because win it he did, all the way from the last player accepted into the qualifying rounds.

"In qualifying and getting to the final, Gonzo looked like he'd been there a hundred times before," says Settles. "But in the final, I remember Gonzo being very nervous before the match. Of course, after he had blasted a few ballistic forehands, he settled down and played nearly flawlessly. Just after the final, several of us were aware that we had witnessed something special; that this guy wasn't going to be some one-hit wonder.”

To date, Gonzalez has 12 ATP World Tour titles, three Olympic medals, dozens of Davis Cup match wins and, along the way, has inspired thousands of kids in Chile.

"He (Gonzalez) is a major superstar in South America and he handles it very well," says former coach Larry Stefanki. "Fernando is a very generous person with his time and charity work in Chile. He is extremely grounded as a person and loves spending time with under-privileged kids."

In 2007, when a powerful earthquake rocked the northern Chilean town of Tocopilla, more than 15,000 people were left homeless. In response, Gonzalez created the Tennis Cup for the Children of the Home of Christ, plus an exhibition with fellow professionals that raised money for the charity. He also makes a donation to the home after each match he wins on the ATP World Tour.

    "We had witnessed something special; this guy wasn't going to be some one-hit wonder."

Gonzalez is playing the best tennis of his career, and it could not have come at a better time. He is marching through the field at Roland Garros and today has a date in the semi-finals with Robin Soderling. While Wimbledon might be considered the most prestigious of tennis tournaments, for a Latino, Roland Garros is the crown jewel.

The shock is as sudden as it is surprising: Gonzalez is down two sets to love against Soderling. "Honestly, I was very surprised. Never did I think that he could be losing," says Martin Rodriguez, Gonzalez's coach. "He looked turned off, no reaction. Nada. After the second set I had little hope."

Then in typical Gonzalez style, he launched a furious comeback. Bold in his shot selection and relentless in his pursuit of victory, Gonzalez fought back to level the match at two sets all. Destiny seemed to be on his side when he went up a break, four games to one in the fifth. His life-long dream of playing for the Roland Garros title was about to come true.

Magnus Norman, Soderling's coach, was not ready to concede the match, even though everyone else in Court Philippe Chatrier had given up Soderling for dead.

Gonzalez, Paris 2009"I started shouting at Robin to attack his shots," Norman says. "To go for it." Soderling obeyed Norman's command. And it worked.

Soon after, Gonzalez is found hunched over in disbelief in the men's locker room. Still sweating and with red clay embedded in his shorts, socks and shoes, lingering proof of the tragic battle that he just lost. Did he stumble or was he stopped?

"I felt extremely disappointed for Fernando in his defeat to Soderling," says Stefanki. "I communicated to him that Soderling started going for winners and there was not much you can do about that type of high-risk tennis. It was a big moment for him but he will have more opportunities in the future."

"It was a grand deception," says Rodriguez. "It was painful for all of us, but nobody was more sad than Fernando. He felt that he could have gone further."

Gonzalez is eight years old and there is a television crew filming him playing tennis at La Reina Club in Santiago del Chile. "Early on my dad encouraged me and pushed me hard," says Gonzalez. "And together we worked very hard."

    "His appeal crossed international borders."

"I first saw Fernando play when he was eight years old," recalls former coach Apey. "I immediately saw a talent that, in my opinion, could take him to the top of the game one day. What he had in his hands was almost magical."

In addition to his talent, Gonzalez succeeds in large part due to his work ethic. "Each time I walk on the court for practice, I try to improve something," says Gonzalez. "One has to work, and my style demands that I have to have good fitness."

Gonzalez, StefankiWhatever the topic, almost all conversations about Gonzalez eventually lead to his forehand. So what makes it so special? "The moment I first hit with Fernando I could not believe how hard he hit his forehand," says former coach Viver. "The power and acceleration was really awesome, but we worked a lot on consistency and on opening angles and changing speeds and heights."

"Very early on he had a very big backswing, but his acceleration was fast enough to handle it," remembers Apey. "And after lots and lots of practise he really developed it into the weapon it is today."

"What makes Fernando special as a tennis player is his ability to hit his forehand offensively from anywhere on the tennis court," says Stefanki. "He has a top two or three forehand on tour and I think he has the best low forehand in the game. The forehand gets scary good. But his backhand is a good shot and not a weakness as people think. That is why he has stayed in the Top 10 for the past few years. I am a big Fernando fan and it is disappointing for him not to win a Slam yet. [He reached the 2007 Australian Open final, losing to Roger Federer.] I am proud to have coached him for two and a half years."

"I think he is a great example for every kid and not only Latinos," remarks Ramon Delgado of Paraguay. "Fernando has a great personality, good behavior on the court and is a great competitor."

Should Fernando Gonzalez never win another tennis match, all those who have come in contact with him over his career would forgive him. For them, Fernando Gonzalez the man will always be a winner. … zalez.aspx

Art - 18-01-2010 16:14:22

Gonzalez through in powerful display

Former Australian Open finalist Fernando Gonzalez took four sets to overcome Belgium’s Olivier Rochus 6-3 6-4 3-6 6-1, advancing to the second round in a rain-interrupted match on Monday.

The 2007 Melbourne Park runner-up opened the match with an ace, and showed ominous signs in the early stages, sending down four winners in his opening service game to the delight of the raucous Chilean fans in a packed Show Court 2.

The 29-year-old put pressure on the Rochus serve at 2-3 in the first set, running around his backhand and sending a sizzling forehand winner down the line to open up two break point opportunities.

Rochus did not give up without a fight, stretching Gonzalez with a penetrating forehand and aggressive net play to save three break points.

Gonzalez prevailed on his fourth break opportunity, but Rochus immediately broke back to get the contest back on serve.

It was Gonzalez’s lethal forehand and athleticism that saw him break again for 5-3, and from there, he easily served out the set.

Gonzalez took the second set 6-4 as Rochus has no answer for the Chileans’ ability to hit winners under pressure and punish any loose serves with his brutal forehand. Gonzalez broke Rochus early and held his advantage for the remainder of the set.

The two players traded breaks of serve in the opening games of the third set, but it was Rochus who broke again in Gonzalez’s third service game to lead 4-2, with the error count beginning to mount for the 11th seed.

The Belgian had the chance to take the third set, bringing up two set points at 5-2, but Gonzalez served up two aces and a forehand winner to force Rochus to serve out the set.

It took five set points for Rochus to finally claim the set 6-3.

In the fourth set, Gonzalez was again the aggressor, breaking Rochus twice before a rain delay stopped proceedings. After the resumption of play, Gonzalez quickly wrapped up the set, and advanced to play the winner of today’s match between French veteran Sebastien Grosjean and Marsel Ilhan of Turkey. … 79062.html

Art - 22-01-2010 17:43:46

Konferencja po III r. AO:

Q. Could you tell us how you won that tough five‑setter?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: It's tough to explain 'cause he was hitting every single ball hard as he could. And I feel that I wasn't making too much damage with my shots.

I feel really uncomfortable almost all the match. My serve wasn't like I used to serve. But fortunately I took my chances and I won the match.

Q. Your thoughts on playing Andy Roddick next.

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: It's gonna be tough. I mean, for sure I have to play better if I want to beat him. I mean, I know that he won in four sets. I mean, he's playing a good level.

Q. Is it your serve that's stopping you from reaching your top?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, yeah, my serve. And today I wasn't that comfortable 'cause he was hitting the ball really hard. He take me out of position almost every time.

It was really hard for me to do the same with him. So that's why I didn't feel like I wish. But fortunately I took my chances in the fifth set and I break him, and that hold during the whole set.

Q. He said it was like playing in front of a soccer crowd today.

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: It was exciting to play in front of this crowd for me. Is a big support really far away from home. Just really excited.

Q. How is your knee? You iced it early on and seemed to be limping.

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, I have the knee since long time ago. I mean, sometimes is painful, but it's only pain. I mean, I know that I have, but it's painful sometimes.

Today I didn't feel really, really well.

Q. Will it be feeling better in time for your next match?

FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ: Hopefully. I wish. I will try. I'm going to make everything to recover and try to play a good match.

Art - 02-03-2010 16:08:27

Gonzalez Expresses Sadness Over Chilean Earthquake

Chile’s top tennis player, World No. 10 Fernando Gonzalez, has been attempting to return to his family in Santiago following an 8.8 magnitude earthquake that struck early Saturday morning.

Gonzalez, who played a semi-final match Friday night at the Abierto Mexicano Telcel in Acapulco, flew from Mexico to Lima, Peru, on Sunday night and took a domestic flight Monday to Tacna, located on the Peruvian-Chilean border. He will travel by car to the northern Chilean city of Arica, where he will attempt to book a flight to Santiago.

He posted the following message Sunday on his official web site:

“Hello friends:

“I was watching TV and I found out about the earthquake. I’m so sad for the victims and families. I’m at Mexico City. This night I’ll fly to Lima to try to get a new flight to Santiago.

“Thank God I could talk with my family after the earthquake. I watched TV all the time and I’m so sad with the news. It’s tough I can’t be in Chile. I’m praying. I would like to help with the reconstruction of my country.

“I hope to see them again as soon as possible.

“A big hug for everyone and ¡Fuerza Chile!”

The 29 year old added on his Twitter account Monday: “I only want to come back to Santiago to stay with my family again”.

Gonzalez and the Chilean Davis Cup squad are scheduled to host Israel in first round World Group action beginning Friday in Coquimbo. The port town, located 500 km north of Santiago, has suffered little damage from the earthquake and the Chilean tennis federation would like the tie to go ahead as planned. … quake.aspx

DUN I LOVE - 04-03-2010 10:29:42

Gonzalez zagra w najbliższych spotkaniach PD, ale prawdopodobnie odpuści grę w IW, by pomóc przy organizacji pomocy dla poszkodowanych w trzęsieniu ziemi, jaki nawiedziło Chile.

Gonzalez focused on earthquake relief

Gonzalez focused on earthquake relief Fernando Gonzalez will play this weekend's Davis Cup tie against Israel, but his thoughts are with the earthquake victims in his native Chile. Gonzalez is even willing to miss the upcoming Indian Wells Masters for disaster relief.

Fernando Gonzalez, Chile's top-ranked player, posted a message on his website last Saturday following the devastating earthquake in his home country. "I have followed very closely the television and saw everything that happened," the world No. 10 wrote. "I am very concerned for the victims and their families due to this earthquake. Thank God my family is well and I feel a great relief

"It gives me great anguish to see everything that happened and really hurts to not be there. I am praying that the missing appear in good condition. Anything I can do to help rebuild my country, I will gladly do."

Gonzalez even said that he is willing to miss the upcoming Masters Series event in Indian Wells in order to stay in Chile and contribute to the recovery effort. Because Masters tournaments are required for players ranked as high as Gonzalez, however, the move would have to be approved by the ATP.

The first-round Davis Cup tie between Chile and Israel, meanwhile, has been pushed back a day and will begin on Saturday in Santiago. Gonzalez, who reached the Acapulco semifinals last week, arrived in Santiago on Tuesday via a flight on a Chilean Air Force plane. He is schedule to join the Chilean team today. … ake_relief

Serenity - 10-03-2010 17:26:51

Gonzalez hopes Federer, Nadal will help with Chile relief

Chile's Fernando Gonzalez hopes to take a page from Roger Federer's philanthropic handbook and organise a relief effort for his earthquake-ravaged homeland of Chile within weeks.

Reports indicate that the top Chilean is in contact with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in hopes they will play in any benefit for victims.

No. 10 Gonzalez is skipping the Indian Wells event which begins on Wednesday to stay in his homeland and work on relief efforts.

Gonzalez reportedly wants to hold his event around the time of the Miami Masters in mid-March.

Federer was first out of the blocks only days after January's Haiti earthquake, organising an event on the day before the Australian Open. The Hit for Haiti will be reprised next Friday at the Indian Wells Masters with stars including Federer, Nadal, Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, Steffi Graf and Martina Navratilova on court.

Gonzalez is putting aside his shock at the natural disasters as Chile plays a Davis Cup World Group tie at home against Israel.

But focusing on the tennis ball may be difficult. "It's a new opportunity to bring joy to the country and I hope win in these difficult times the country is going ", said Davis Cup player Nicolas Massu of the weekend Davis tie.

"If he wins it will leave Fernando calmer, and that can be very favorable to our expectations." … ile_relief

Art - 14-03-2010 09:47:59

Gonzalez Visits Earthquake Survivors In Chile

Gonzalez visited a number of affected areas in his two-day visit.

As he announced during Chile's first-round Davis Cup tie against Israel, Fernando Gonzalez visited the area declared a catastrophe zone after the massive earthquake on February 27 that killed hundreds of people.

Last Thursday Gonzalez was at the O'Higgins region that endured a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, visiting Santa Cruz, Lolol, Peralillo and Pichilemu. Ranked No. 10 on the South African Airways 2010 ATP Rankings, Gonzalez traveled with Benito Baranda, director of Hogar de Cristo, the most important charity organisation in Chile.

Watch Fernando's Appeal For Donations

During his visit, Gonzalez posted on Twitter: "The people are very strong even though they've lost everything, and they are optimistic. I wish every one of us would have this fighting spirit to get through this moment and move forward."

On Friday Gonzalez visited Biobio's region. Gonzo visited a fishing village called El Morro, near Talcahuano, the most important military port in Chile which was devastated by the both the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on February 27. The Olympic gold medalist played a tennis exhibition with kids of the area.

"Thank God and the experience of the people who live here that nobody died," said Gonzalez. "El Morro doesn't exist anymore but the people are happy, they want to move forward and my visit with Benito and Hogar de Cristo is for them to know they are not alone."

Talcahuano's mayor, Gaston Saavedra, thanked Gonzalez for his visit: "A national figure as Fernando Gonzalez helps people to clear their mind a little, especially the ones that have lost everything. The permanent alert because of the tremors and the tsunami alert frightened everyone. This is a contribution for the people so they can move on." … Chile.aspx

Serenity - 22-03-2010 19:12:47

Silent Tennis Auction To Benefit Chile Earthquake Victims

MIAMI, March 19, 2010 – SOBeFit and Marta Montenegro have collaborated with famed pro tennis player, World No. 10 Fernando Gonzalez to hold a silent auction benefiting the earthquake victims of Chile at the launch of the Montenegro Method fitness DVD Series party on March 22nd in Miami, Florida.

Hosted by Tennis Channel’s “Fit to Hit” host Danielle Dotzenrod, party-goers will be a part of the tennis-crazed celebration with top ATP players who will be in attendance including Fernando Verdasco, Feliciano Lopez and Carlos Moya. Guests will have the chance to bid on sports memorabilia from top professional athletes including Fernando Gonzalez, Serena Williams, Jim Courier, Fernando Verdasco, Bob & Mike Bryan, Victoria Azarenka, Dara Torres, Alonzo Mourning and many more with proceeds going to Hogar de Cristo, a Chilean-based charity advocated by Gonzalez.

At the event, Gonzalez will talk about this important cause, and although the party is not open to the public, a limited number of tickets will be available for purchase priced at $1,000 each.

“I want to thank all of the players who have expressed their concern for my family and me and offered their support after the devastating earthquake in Chile,” states Gonzalez. “I also want to thank Marta Montenegro for putting on a silent auction at her event in Miami to help the earthquake victims and raise awareness for my home country.”

Expect tennis-clad décor, familiar Sony Ericsson Open faces like Verdasco, Lopez, Moya and Gonzalez as well as Novak Djokovic, and a fitness fashion show presented by Sports Authority. Unwind with cocktails provided by Prairie Organic Vodka and Sapporo Imported Premium Beer, and enjoy savory tapas and music by renowned DJ Tracy Young.

“I am thrilled to get together with all these players to celebrate the launch of the fitness DVD series,” says Marta. “I also feel privileged to use this event as a platform to raise awareness alongside Fernando Gonzalez for the recent earthquake that devastated parts of Chile. I will do anything I can to help.”

The event takes place at EPIC downtown Miami (270 Biscayne Boulevard Way) in the Metropolis Ballroom, 14th Floor and goes from 8 p.m.-11 p.m.; red carpet begins at 8:30 p.m. Those participating in the silent auction can pay with cash, check or credit card. For event tickets, red carpet interviews and event access, media should contact Allison Robins at or (305) 375-9595 ext. 227. All proceeds from the silent auction and ticket sales will go to … Miami.aspx

asiek - 03-05-2010 13:01:36

Australijczyk Darren Cahill nowym trenerem Fernanda.

The ‘Bomber of La Reina’ chose australian Darren Cahill as his new coach, and they will begin to work in the preview week of Roland Garros.

Hi friends,

I want to announce that I will begin to work with australian Darren Cahill, a coach that got a lot of results with Agassi and Hewitt at their best moments and in different years. It won’t be full time because of his obligations but I trust he will help my agresive tennis with the best tactical moves of the australian school.

Currently I’m in Chile working with pysichal trainer Ricardo Luna, that is a member of the chilean Davis Cup team.

Thanks for your support and visiting the web site,

DUN I LOVE - 02-06-2010 18:13:56

Przynajmniej miesiąc przerwy Gonzaleza.

Fena z powodu kontuzji kolana nie zagra od 1 do 2 miesięcy. Z całą pewnością Chilijczyka zabraknie na Wimbledonie i wielce prawdopodobne, że także w Pucharze Davisa.

Źródło: … 02703.html

Raddcik - 05-06-2010 22:45:32

Gonzalez Ready To Return Stronger

On 27 February 2010, many Chileans were present as Fernando Gonzalez suffered a dramatic three-set loss to David Ferrer in the semi-finals of the Abierto Mexicano Telcel in Acapulco. An hour after the match, in Chile, there was an 8.8 magnitude earthquake and a subsequent tsunami that claimed the lives of almost a thousand people and destroyed cities.

Santiago native Gonzalez couldn't believe the apocalyptic images he saw on the television. For that reason he cancelled his participation at the BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells and took a flight back to visit the damaged areas and send a heartfelt message to the victims of the disaster.

Following the natural disaster, Gonzalez was then hit by another problem - tendinitis in both knees that has furthered impeded his 2010 season.

"There are good and bad moments. Some way or another I haven't felt good on court. The feeling is very important and the past weeks it hasn't been like I wanted it, but I have no doubt it will go back to the way I've always liked it to be", said an optimistic Gonzalez, who will recover back home in Santiago while he waits for the doctor's advice. He has already withdrawn from Wimbledon and he could yet miss the Davis Cup quarter-final tie against Czech Republic if he his recovery takes two months.

What made the tendinitis so bad?
I had calcification in both knees. When one hurts you try to compensate with the other. With good work, rest and rehab I will be better.

Some time ago you said that you learned to live with the pain.
I've had it since the 2002 Australian Open...

So you have dealt with it almost for your whole career?
It's been coming and going. I've had good and bad moments. I had a very bad moment in 2003, after that I could recover well but last year at Wimbledon it started all over again and hasn't stopped since then.

After the defeat in the Roland Garros second round, you will lose important points at the South African Airways 2010 ATP Rankings. How will you deal with that?
I prefer to have a bad ranking and be healthy, rather than get to a ranking that would be tough to maintain without being in optimum physical condition.

With your absence at Wimbledon you will bring to an end a run of 35 successive Grand Slam appearances.
Some time ago I realised I have played all the Grand Slams since 2002. I thought about how good it was and I was lucky not to be injured. No I'll have to miss one. I hope it's the only one so I can play a lot more.

Next month you will turn 30, you suffer a chronic injury, but you told your Twitter fans that you're not thinking about retirement.
Twitter has been very helpful; it's my main source for keeping in touch with people. Sometimes the media needs to sell more so they publish information about a possible retirement. But that wasn't true. Retirement is not in my head. I still have a lot of goals on my career and I have fun playing. I can't imagine my life without competitive tennis. Retirement is not an issue. They published that without asking me so that bothered me. Thank God there's Twitter so I could tell people that wasn't true.

Twitter and your official web site have become a habit now that you have more free time.
Social networking is very important. People want and need communication. Everyone is connected by their mobile phones, chat and social networks. Tennis fans feel closer because of that. When you're constantly talking about what's going on, what you think, people like that. It's a spontaneous communication.

How long will your recovery take?
The first thing is to feel better, recover from the injuries. The rest will come by itself. I can't make the mistake of playing 25 tournaments. I've always played few tournaments. The important thing is to take it easy and take my rest time seriously; that has always been important in my career.

What's the positive side of being without competition?
The positive thing is that I will have a lot of energy when I come back. I will appreciate more what I have achieved in this sport. When you're out you feel the passion for the game more. I've also done some things that I miss. That gives you energy to keep on playing. … onger.aspx

Serenity - 12-06-2010 18:34:02

Gonzalez will back in Toronto

Fernando Gonzalez confirms he has a bilateral patellar tendinosis that will keep him two and a half months out of competition. This will force him to withdraw from Davis Cup in July.

Hi Friends,

Unfortunately I have bad news. The bilateral patellar tendinosis that I have will force me to be away from competition for 10 weeks. Because of  that I will have to skip Gstaad, Bastad, Hamburg and, most sadly, Davis Cup quarter-final tie against Czech Republic at Coquimbo.

The treatment I’m receiving makes me stop for a long time. If I come back for Davis Cup it would make the injury get worse and I won’t even be at my 50 per cent for those matches. I feel really bad about not playing the competition I like the most. I wish things were different but they aren’t. If everything turns out as I hope my return tournament will be at Masters 1000 Toronto.

Thanks for all the messages you’ve sent me over Twitter and my web site. They will help me to get through this moment.

DUN I LOVE - 23-08-2010 06:52:56

Fena wraca do gry!

Fernando Gonzalez zagra w New haven. Chilijczyk otrzymał od organizatorów dziką kartę. Finalista Ao 2007 opuścił środek sezonu z powodu kontuzji kolana. Nie zagrał po Roland Garros w żadnym turnieju. Pierwotnie powrót miał nastąpić w Toronto, ale tuż przed turniejem Gonzalez oświadczył, że z Jego kolanem nie jest na 100% ok.

Turniej w New Haven to ostatnie przetarcie przed rozpoczynającym się w przyszły poniedziałek US Open.

jaccol55 - 01-09-2010 11:02:22

Kontuzja zakończy karierę Fernando Gonzaleza?

Trzykrotny medalista olimpijski Chilijczyk Fernando Gonzalez powiedział, że kontuzja, która wyeliminowała go z meczu pierwszej rudny US Open, może zakończyć jego tenisową karierę.

30-letni zawodnik skreczował w meczu pierwszej rundy z Ivanem Dodigem z Chorwacji przy stanie 7-6, 1-6, 0-1. Powodem była kontuzja kolana, która ciągnie się za zawodnikiem już od dłuższego czasu.

- Boję się bardzo, ale zobaczymy, co się stanie. Nie myślę o emeryturze, ale jeśli kontuzja okaże się poważniejsza, to być może będę zmuszony zakończyć karierę - powiedział Gonzalez.

- Prognozy nie są aż tak tragiczne, ale to nie rozwiązuje głównego problemu: bólu - dodał tenisista.,101357,8315 … leza_.html

Davioz - 01-09-2010 13:31:10

Boże, nie! Kto jak kto, ale Gonzo jest jedną z ciekawszych postaci w tourze i emerytura tak dobrego tenisisty byłaby wielką stratą. Mnie samemu większość emocji związanych z wielkimi szlemami opada wraz z odpadnięciem Gonzo, co tu dopiero mówić o całkowitym braku Fernando w tenisie. Kibicuję mu odkąd zacząłem interesować się męskim tenisem (ok. 2007, 2008r) i nie wyobrażam sobie, by już zakończył karierę. Ten sezon można już sobie darować, bo i tak jest on cały zmarnowany przez kontuzję, ale warto się kurować by wystrzelic z formą na Australian Open, gdzie Fernando osiaga bardzo dobre rezultaty.

DUN I LOVE - 12-09-2010 18:59:32

Fernando Gonzalez prawdopodobnie podda się operacji. Mówi się, że Chilijczyk nie wystąpi w rozgrywkach ATP w ciągu najbliższych 9 miesięcy.

jaccol55 - 12-09-2010 19:00:41

Pytanie, czy jest sens wracać?

DUN I LOVE - 22-09-2010 08:06:00

Nawet jeśli nie ma sensu to i tak pewnie na korcie Go jeszcze ujrzymy, np w serii pożegnalnych występów.

Oficjalnie: Koniec sezonu dla Fernando Gonzaleza.
Chilijczyk przejdzie operację kolana, nie wiadomo kiedy wróci na korty.

Fena potwierdził na twitterze, że 4 października przejdzie operację kolana w klinice w Nowym Jorku.

Art - 23-09-2010 10:48:40

Gonzalez To Undergo Hip Surgery

Chile's Fernando Gonzalez is bracing for an extended layoff after announcing that he will have hip and possibly knee surgery next month. The former Australian Open finalist and World No. 5 will have right hip surgery on 4 October in New York.

A statement on Gonzalez's official web site said that he could be sidelined for eight to nine months, which puts his return date at midway through or late in next year's European clay court season.

Gonzalez will have the surgery with Doctor Brian Kelly, who is a noted orthopaedic surgeon specialising in sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, hip and knee.

Gonzalez, who retired midway through his first-round US Open match, has dropped to No. 44 in the South African Airways 2010 ATP Rankings – his lowest mark since 2002.

After beginning the year by winning 11 of his first 14 matches of the season, Gonzlaez has won just four of his past 10 matches and has not won consecutive matches since reaching the round of 16 in Miami. … rgery.aspx

Serenity - 23-09-2010 15:35:27

Fernando Gonzalez nie zagra przez dziewięć miesięcy

Chilijski tenisista Fernando Gonzalez podda się w przyszłym miesiącu w USA operacji biodra i nie zagra przez dziewięć miesięcy.

30-letni zawodnik, który ma również poważne problemy z kolanami, informację o planowanym zabiegu podał na swojej stronie internetowej. Zabieg prawego biodra zaplanowany jest na 4 października. Lekarz sportowca Alejandro Orizola nie wyklucza jednak konieczności operowania także prawego kolana.

Gonzalez przez większość tego roku nie grał. Wystąpił w US Open, ale w pierwszej rundzie skreczował w w meczu z Chorwatem Ivanem Dodigiem.

Chilijczyk ma w dorobku złoty medal olimpijski w deblu wywalczony z Nicolasem Massu w 2004 roku w Atenach, a także srebrny w singlu z igrzysk w Pekinie w 2008 r. Wygrał dotychczas 11 turniejów z cyklu ATP Tour, a jego najlepszy wynik w Wielkim Szlemie to finał Australian Open w 2007 roku. … omosc.html

jaccol55 - 14-10-2010 06:30:35


As he begins his extended rehabilitation from hip surgery, former World No. 5 Fernando Gonzalez, like all his countrymen and billions of people around the world, has been engrossed in the plight of 33 trapped miners in northern Chile. Recovering at home in Santiago as he contemplates up to seven months on the sidelines, Gonzalez has intently followed the unfolding drama on a daily basis.

Speaking just hours before the first miner was pulled to safety late Tuesday night, Gonzalez said: “Like any Chilean, I have been following the story since the first day. It has been something huge obviously for us," Gonzalez told "Everyone is worried for them and cheering at the same time whenever we hear good news about them being safe. We are hoping that this is over soon, like everyone else in the world. We are nervous, expecting and hoping that they all come out well.

“I don’t personally know anyone who has been trapped, nor has anyone in my family worked in mines, but I do know people who have worked in mines in the past. They have told me all about it, how it works; it’s pretty much what they show on TV all day here.  It’s worldwide news at the moment. Big tragedy. We all just want a happy ending.”

Following February’s devastating 8.8 magnitude earthquake south of Santiago, Gonzalez said that the mining disaster had added to a difficult year for his countrymen. “It has been a hard year for Chile. As a country both in the north and in the south there have been tragedies.”

Gonzalez, who along with Nicolas Massu was the toast of the country in 2004 after winning a doubles gold medal and a singles bronze medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics, said that the troubles had galvanized the country. “With all the bad though, the good we can take is that the country is sticking together closer than ever and is ready to move forward.”

Gonzalez underwent right hip surgery in New York last week and remained in the United States for a week for monitoring before returning home Saturday.  Doctors decided that surgery on his knee was not necessary. “I’m currently on crutches, doing lots of exercise with lots of patience. It’s actually not as terrible as I imagined…  Doctors assessed that by fixing the hip, the knee will feel the benefits [and doesn’t require an operation].”

The former Australian Open finalist said that it would be six to seven months before he could practise. Until then, he has plenty of time on his hands. “I have therapy twice a day, and apart form that just I’m resting at home, watching TV, following the news, the miners.” … escue.aspx

DUN I LOVE - 25-12-2010 10:18:28

2010 w liczbach

Ranking: 68
Turnieje: 0
Finały: 0
Mecze: 15-9
Zarobki: $305,498

Davioz - 25-01-2011 14:04:24

Fernando Gonzalez traveled to Miami to continue his recovery

The "Bomber" will be reviewed by the doctor who operated on him and stay in the U.S. doing physical work and tennis.

Fernando Gonzalez traveled this afternoon bound for the United States to undergo an assessment of the hip operation which was conducted last October, and continue with his physical and tennis with a view to his return to the courts that should be in the second week of April for the 100 Monte Carlo Masters.

The "Bomber of The Queen" will be evaluated in Miami by Dr. Brian Kelly, the same who operated on his hip, who will decide what steps to follow in his recovery.

Thus, the triple gold medalist in the U.S. will remain there for tennis and physical work that needs to be able to return to the ATP circuit. … cion.shtml

asiek - 07-02-2011 11:24:35

Fernando po raz pierwszy, odkąd wszedł do pierwszej 100-tki rankingu ATP(28.01.2002) wypada poza nią. 

124. Reister, Julian (GER)    450   
125. Gonzalez, Fernando (CHI)    450 (spadek o 28 pozycji)   
126. Darcis, Steve (BEL)    448       
127. Gonzalez, Maximo (ARG)    434

jaccol55 - 12-03-2011 09:14:46

Fernando Gonzalez reached a career-high World
No. 5 on 29 January 2007.

Former World No. 5 Fernando Gonzalez will make his return to professional tennis as a wild card entry at the Serbia Open 2011, an ATP World Tour 250 tennis tournament in Belgrade, starting 25 April.

The Chilean, who underwent hip surgery on 4 October last year, hasn't played a competitive match since losing in the US Open first round in September.

The 2007 Australian Open finalist and 2008 Olympic Games silver medallist, announcing the news through his Twitter account (@elfergonzalez), wrote, "My protected ranking is No. 55 and works at nine tournaments or nine months, whichever comes first. Also I confirm a wild card in Belgrade."

Gonzalez will shortly travel to California to work with his new coach Horacio Matta. The 30 year old has been training with Chile's Davis Cup team and with players at the ATP Challenger Tour event in Santiago this week. … eturn.aspx


Davioz - 13-03-2011 09:33:12

No i jest jakiś bardzo optymistyczny news :) Wolałbym co prawda powrót w Monte Carlo (który, tuż po AO, jest moim ulubionym turniejem), tak jak to było ustalone, ale mimo wszystko myślę, że nie warto po tak długiej przerwie zaczynać od Mastersa. Powodzenia, Gonzo!

Raddcik - 05-04-2011 11:48:18

Gonzalez Cleared To Return
Fernando Gonzalez played his last
competitive match at the US Open.

Former World No. 5 Fernando Gonzalez has been given medical clearance to return to the courts, announcing on his Twitter account (@elfergonzalez) Monday: "Today I finish my 6 months post-op rehab. I was discharged and ready to go back to game."

The Chilean, currently No. 395 in the South African Airways 2011 ATP Rankings, underwent surgery on his right hip on 4 October after being limited to just two matches following Roland Garros. He will make his first tournament appearance since a first-round retirement at the US Open as a wild card entry later this month at the Serbia Open 2011.

Gonzalez, a winner of 11 ATP World Tour titles, has been training in recent weeks with the Chilean Davis Cup team in Santiago and with new coach Horacio Matta in the United States. … eturn.aspx

Serenity - 03-05-2011 09:36:30


Fernando Gonzalez, who last week made his comeback from injury at the Serbia Open in Belgrade, answers questions submitted by fans on Facebook.

What type of rehabilitation program did you take to regain your fitness level?
-Chitrang Sawant
I train at least five times a week in the gym, lots of work using all my body. 

How did you feel back on court?? Its great to have you back!! :)
-Petra Mittendorf, Germany
I am happy to be playing again; it’s a gift for me. Now comes the most difficult part, but also the best part.

What do you feel when you see your character in the upcoming videogame Virtua Tennis 4? Do you feel proud and do you think it's a form of recognition of your great career?
-Esteban Drangosch
It will be very entertaining to see myself in a game where I will be a player who never gets injured. Hahaha!

From the top players, who do you enjoy playing with the most?
-Sara Muhammad camouflage
I like the big fighters and I’ve always had good matches with Roddick or Hewitt for example.

What's the secret behind your strong forehand..???
-Shyam Krishna
The most important thing is to use all of your body.

Do you prefer faster court surfaces, which make your shots come off the court quickly - or slower surfaces, which give you more time to set-up?
-Jacob Funnell
I prefer the faster courts, but on slower courts I have more control; fortunately I play well on both.

What was your best/worst moment or experience on the tour?
-Plani Fra
For sure the worst was having the surgery and there have been so many good moments, including the one I’m living right now.

Is there a chance that you will play at your home continent in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, despite the fact that you'll be 36 then?
-János Szomszéd, Hungary
I would love to, but being realistic, no.

Where do you keep your trophies?
-Marouane Ziani
They are in my house. I have them in a very safe room.

What is your favourite movie, band, book and/or celebrity?
-Mikhaal Ahmad
Movie - Invictus; Band - U2

Which legend inspires you?
-Jak Sparow
Nelson Mandela … tions.aspx

Raddcik - 17-05-2011 10:58:05

Gonzalez Withdraws From Roland Garros

Former World No. 5 Fernando Gonzalez has withdrawn from Roland Garros – which begins Sunday - due to a knee injury.

The Chilean Monday tweeted: "Unfortunately today I withdrew myself from Roland Garros, it's a shame, but I'm doing everything possible to comeback and feel better".

Currently No. 370 in the South African Airways 2011 ATP Rankings, Gonzalez made his ATP World Tour comeback last month after eight months on the sidelines following right hip surgery. After reaching the second round at the Serbia Open 2011 (l. Lopez), González retired at the ATP Challenger tournaments in Prague (SF against Rosol) and Bordeaux (1st Rd against Eysseric) because of problems in his knee.

It will be the first time that Gonzalez, 2009 Roland Garros semi-finalist (l. Soderling), will miss the second Grand Slam of the year since his debut in 2001. He is expected to be missing for at least three weeks.

Gonzalez's withdrawl gave Argentine Brian Dabul a late ticket to the main draw. World No. 148 Dabul will make his second Roland Garros appearance. … arros.aspx

jaccol55 - 06-06-2011 16:15:56

Sprzed roku: