- forum fanów tenisa ATP
7 | 0% - 0 | |||||
8 | 7% - 1 | |||||
9 | 7% - 1 | |||||
10 | 0% - 0 | |||||
11 | 28% - 4 | |||||
12 | 21% - 3 | |||||
13 | 28% - 4 | |||||
14 | 0% - 0 | |||||
15> | 7% - 1 | |||||
Jak s±dzicie ile tytu³ów wielkoszlemowych wygra Rafa Nadal?
Ja obstawiam, ¿e 11. Dwa tytu³y na RG plus jeden triumf na Wimblu i jeden na AO. Albo po dwa zwyciêstwa na RG i na Wimbledonie.
Ju¿ by³ ten temat, polecam przegl±daæ wszystkie strony.
Ojciec Chrzestny
Fed-Expresso napisał:
Ju¿ by³ ten temat, polecam przegl±daæ wszystkie strony.
Tak, ale odno¶nie Feda.
O Nadalu by³, czy wygra wszystkie WS, a do tego inna by³a tre¶æ ankiety.
Innymi s³owy, jest OK.
Last hit for Wimby
Ostatnia opcja ankiety jest na t± chwilê idiotyczna.
Ojciec Chrzestny
COA napisał:
Ostatnia opcja ankiety jest na t± chwilê idiotyczna.
Od ostatniej pi³ki dzisiejszego semi bojê siê o rekord szlemowy Feda, jak dobrze, ¿e s± tacy co uwa¿aj± to za idiotyzm.
Last hit for Wimby
15>, je¶li jestem dobrze poinformowany znaczy tyle co mniej ni¿ 15, wiêc ka¿da poprzednia opcja pasuje.
W przypadku Nadala nie mo¿na nic wyrokowaæ na d³u¿ej ni¿ 3-4 miesi±ce. Wiosn± 2009 mia³ u stóp ca³y tenisowy ¶wiat, gdy wygrywa³ wiêkszo¶æ najwiêkszych turniejów a¿ tu nagle przykra kontuzja i czar prys³. W przypadku kolejny powa¿nych problemów tym razem mog± ju¿ go nie naprawiæ, wiêc ja siê wstrzymuje od jakichkolwiek prognoz w osi±gniaciach Parrery.
Nadal jest w kwiecie wieku, tytu³ów móg³by zebraæ co¶ oko³o rekordu Rogera, ale my¶lê, ¿e w wieku 28-29 lat (czyli tyle ile ma Roger), nie bêdzie go ju¿ w pierwszej pi±tce, bo ze wzglêdu na kontuzje bêdzie opuszcza³ zbyt wiele gier.
Ojciec Chrzestny
Zapytali dzi¶ o to Wujka Toniego. Odpowiedzia³, ¿e gdyby mia³ stawiaæ pieni±dze na to, czy Rafa pobije rekord szlemowy Feda, to postawi³by na "nie".
Ja postwilem na 13:) Oby dorzucil w tym roku US OPEN
Come on Andy !
Grand-Slam Wins Put Federer's Mark in Nadal's Sights
WIMBLEDON, England—Rafael Nadal is halfway to Roger Federer. Can he catch up?
At Wimbledon on Sunday, Mr. Nadal, 24, won his eighth Grand Slam title, the same number as Andre Agassi, Ivan Lendl, Jimmy Connors, Fred Perry and Ken Rosewall. At that age, Mr. Federer had won five Grand Slam titles. He now holds 16, an all-time record.
Darren Cahill, the former coach of Andre Agassi and an ESPN commentator, said 16—or beyond—wasn't a fantasy.
"The big question mark is how well his body will hold up over the next four or five years," Mr. Cahill said. "If he keeps managing it the way he has in the last 12 months, there's no question he's going to be a force."
Last year, Mr. Nadal couldn't defend the Wimbledon title he won in 2008 because of his chronically creaky knees. He watched on television as Mr. Federer beat Andy Roddick in a five-set match that include 30 games in the fifth set. His absence cost him at the start of this year's tournament. Wimbledon, which ranks its the male participants based on recent grass-court results, assigned Mr. Nadal the second seed, despite his No. 1 ranking.
Mr. Nadal showed Sunday that he shouldn't be underestimated. These last two weeks he also made a larger point: It's no longer accurate to say that Mr. Federer is the most complete player in the game. At the top of tennis, we have a tie in terms of versatility. Mr. Nadal volleys with precision and touch. He can slice. He can hit flat. His serve, once suspect, has improved considerably. He doesn't miss an overhead, no matter how far back he must roam to reach it. His topspin forehand isn't half bad, either. He does all this while covering as much, if not more, ground that any of his peers.
"He does everything really, really well," Andy Murray said after Mr. Nadal had beaten him in straight sets in the semifinals Friday.
Mr. Nadal has won Grand Slam titles on clay (five), grass (two) and hard courts (one). He has never won the U.S. Open. Mr. Cahill said that would be first and foremost in Mr. Nadal's mind from this point on.
"You've got to assume that he's going to keep searching for ways to improve," he said. "Agassi did it well into his 30s and he got the No. 1 ranking when he was 33½ . That's a long way away, but anything is possible."
First things first: Mr. Nadal must receive treatment on his right knee. In the third round of this tournament, he had to call for a trainer. He later said the pain was severe enough to worry him, though it later subsided and didn't bother him in the closing rounds of the event.
"I don't have control of this," he said last week. "I don't know when it start and when it stop."
Mr. Nadal's uncle and coach, Toni, hopes the knee pain won't prevent his nephew from winning. Even so, he wouldn't say that Mr. Nadal is Federer's equal.
"He won six times here, Rafael only two," Mr. Nadal said. "Federer has 16 Grand Slams and Rafael only eight. Federer is so much better."
Mr. Nadal won't turn 25 until next June. To keep pace with Mr. Federer, he'll have to win four more Grand Slam titles before his 27th birthday. Toni Nadal doesn't like his nephew's chances of topping 16.
" I don't know," he said. "But if I put money, I say no."
Ojciec Chrzestny
Chyba jest trochê za wcze¶nie, by tak wybiegaæ w przysz³o¶æ. Nadal jest w po³owie drogi dopiero, a i Federer wci±¿ gra (przypominam) i zawsze jest jaka¶ szansa na to, ¿e kiedy¶ co¶ jescze w Szlemie ugra.
Jestem ciekaw jak Nadal bêdzie sobie radzi³ na hard. Tam graj± 2 szlemy, a i kolana Hiszpana coraz czê¶ciej na betonie odmawiaj± pos³uszeñstwa.
Kobieta z klas±
Mam nadziejê, ¿e wiêcej ni¿ siê wszyscy spodziewaj±.
Ostatnio edytowany przez anula (06-07-2010 10:30:46)
Szczerze powiedziawszy zaczynam powoli siê baæ, ¿e szlemowy rekord Federera zostanie po prostu nied³ugo pobity przez Nadala. W tourze nie ma ani jednego tenisisty z jajami, który gra regularnie i, który móg³by powstrzymaæ Hiszpana. Mogê siê myliæ, ale Rafa³ nawet nie bêd±c w najwy¿szej formie ogrywa wszystkich jak chce. Ten rok mia³ byæ dla niego gorszy, a zapewne jutro oka¿e siê, ¿e zdoby³ 3 szlemy pod rz±d. To o czym¶ ¶wiadczy... A sam Federer ma coraz wiêksze trudno¶ci, aby przebrn±æ nawet do fina³ów wiêkszych turniejów (æwieræfina³y RG i Wimbla).
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jules (13-09-2010 08:16:15)
Ojciec Chrzestny
Jules napisał:
Szczerze powiedziawszy zaczynam powoli siê baæ, ¿e szlemowy rekord Federera zostanie po prostu nied³ugo pobity przez Nadala.
Spokojnie, w 2011 roku na pewno to siê nie stanie.
A ¿e w roku 2012 mamy koniec ¶wiata, to musi siê mocno spieszyæ.
Ojciec Chrzestny
jaccol55 napisał:
A ¿e w roku 2012 mamy koniec ¶wiata, to musi siê mocno spieszyæ.
Kuba, znam ludzi (w zasadzie 1 cz³owieka ), dla których koniec ¶wiata mo¿e nast±piæ po ostatniej pi³ce fina³u USO10.
Co do samego pytania to uwa¿am, ¿e Ania ma racjê, Bizon w sumie te¿. Raz, ¿e tych szlemów bêdzie du¿o wiêcej ni¿ ktokolwiek z Nas zak³ada³ np w 2007 roku, a dwa, ¿e to jest Nadal i trudno cokolwiek wyrokowaæ na d³u¿sz± metê.
Ojciec Chrzestny … 3&zoneid=4
Pete Sampras twierdzi, ¿e Nadal mo¿ê pobiæ rekord Federera, pod warunkiem, ¿e wci±¿ bêdzie zdrowy. 17 szlemów?
Sampras: Nadal could break Federer's Slam record
NEW YORK (AP)—Pete Sampras says Rafael Nadal can break Roger Federer’s record of 16 Grand Slam titles if he stays healthy and maintains a smart playing schedule.
The 24-year-old Nadal, known for his grinding style, recently won his ninth major at the U.S. Open to complete a career Grand Slam.
“If he’s smart with his schedule and the fact that he has so many at such a young age, he could very well do it,” Sampras said in a conference call Thursday for the BNP Paribas Showdown.
Sampras will meet former rival Andre Agassi for a best-of-three sets match Feb. 28 at Madison Square Garden. John McEnroe and Ivan Lendl, rivals from the 1980s and ’90s, will play one set.
Sampras called Nadal “a beast” on the court and thinks Nadal can chase Federer’s record. Federer surpassed Sampras’ record of 14 Grand Slams in 2009.
“The only question with Rafa is physically how much his body can handle the pounding with how hard he works for every point,” he said of Nadal, who has been sidelined with knee injuries and a pulled abdominal muscle in the last few years.
Federer was 25 when he earned his ninth Grand Slam at the 2006 U.S. Open. Since then, the 29-year-old Federer has won seven major titles.
Nadal also won the French Open and Wimbledon this year.
“(Nadal’s) in the middle of his career, so he could do a lot more great things,” Sampras said of the top-ranked Spaniard.
But the former No. 1 player added that Nadal doesn’t need to break the Grand Slam record to prove himself.
“He’s won all the majors, won the Olympics and has a winning record against Roger,” Sampras said of the 14-7 career edge.
He also predicts Federer “is going to win a few more majors.” Sampras said he had dinner with former coach Paul Annacone, who now coaches Federer.
“They’re implementing coming in and being a little more unpredictable,” Sampras said.
Sampras last played an exhibition at the Garden against Federer in 2008. He’ll renew his rivalry with Agassi after exchanging verbal volleys with him at a Hit for Haiti exhibition in March.
Agassi apologized for poking fun at Sampras during the match at Indian Wells, Calif. After Sampras mimicked Agassi’s pigeon-toed walk, Agassi repeated the criticism in his book “Open” that Sampras was a poor tipper.
Sampras responded with a high, hard serve that forced Agassi to duck.
“As competitive as we were in the ’90s, we got along quite well,” Sampras said. “Obviously, he said a few things in his book; we had a few moments. But it’s fine.”
Sampras said they recently spent time in Costa Rica and will play an exhibition match in South America. He’ll also play Andy Roddick in Omaha, Neb., in his training for the showdown.
Zdobêdzie ich sto Po co na ten temat dyskutowaæ, ludzie na tym forum ju¿ kilkakrotnie go eliminowali ze wzglêdu na jakie¶ kontuzje, a pó¼niej Rafa weryfikowa³ rzeczywisto¶æ. Tak¿e, poczekamy zobaczymy. Hiszpañski przebijaczyna na pewno siê nie podda.
Come on Andy !
Sampras: Nadal to bestia. Mo¿e wyprzedziæ Rogera
- Rafa Nadal na korcie jest jak bestia. Staæ go, by wygraæ wiêcej wielkoszlemowych turniejów ni¿ sam Roger Federer - przyzna³ w czwartek Pete Sampras. - Je¶li Hiszpan m±drze zaplanuje sobie starty w kilku nadchodz±cych sezonach, to bez wiêkszych problemów zdo³a to osi±gn±æ - doda³ Amerykanin.
Zwyciêstwo w zakoñczonym niedawno US Open by³o ju¿ dziewi±tym wielkoszlemowym tytu³em Nadala. Lider ¶wiatowego rankingu jako siódmy tenisista w historii zdo³a³ osi±gn±æ taki wynik. Najwiêksz± liczb± triumfów w Wielkim Szlemie mo¿e siê pochwaliæ Roger Federer - 16. Pete Sampras ustêpuje Szwajcarowi dwoma zwyciêstwami.
- Jedynym znakiem zapytania jest to, jak d³ugo organizm Nadala zdo³a wytrzymaæ tak ogromne obci±¿enia zwi±zane z walk± o ka¿dy punkt. Spójrzcie na jego grê, dzieciak jest nieustêpliwy - wyzna³ Sampras.
Zapytany o to, co jeszcze Hiszpan musi osi±gn±æ, by do³±czyæ do grona najwspanialszych graczy w historii, Amerykanin odpowiedzia³: - W³a¶ciwie to Nadal nic ju¿ nie musi udowadniaæ. On wygra³ ju¿ wszystkie turnieje wielkoszlemowe. Zwyciê¿y³ równie¿ w igrzyskach olimpijskich. W ostatnich miesi±cach zdominowa³ nawet Federera. Nie s±dzê, aby jego celem by³ 16., 17., czy 18. tytu³. On po prostu ca³y czas stara siê poprawiaæ swój tenis, wk³adaj±c w ka¿dy mecz ogromn± ilo¶æ si³. On jest prawdziw± besti±.
Sampras nie skre¶la jednak Rogera Federera. Triumfator 64 turniejów ATP uwa¿a, ¿e Szwajcara wci±¿ staæ na poprawienie wielkoszlemowego bilansu. - Roger jest faworytem ka¿dego turnieju, w którym startuje. Nie zapominajmy, ¿e w Nowym Jorku mia³ z Djokovicem dwie pi³ki meczowe. Równie dobrze to on móg³ graæ w finale. Jego gra jest równie dobra, co kilka lat temu. To inni tenisi¶ci zaczêli coraz lepiej spisywaæ siê na korcie. Najbli¿sze dwa lata bêd± dla Federera ogromnym wyzwaniem. Tak to ju¿ jednak jest w tenisie. Ka¿de pokolenie ma swojego bohatera. W latach 60-tych by³ nim Laver. Potem nasta³a era Lendla i McEnroe'a. Po nich pojawi³em siê ja i Andre Agassi.
- Nadala ju¿ teraz mo¿na zaliczyæ do trójki, no mo¿e czwórki najlepszych zawodników w historii naszej dyscypliny. A przed Hiszpanem wci±¿ wiele lat gry w tenisa - zakoñczy³ Sampras.