- forum fanów tenisa ATP
Ojciec Chrzestny
szeva777 napisał:
Siergiej Bubka uwa¿a, ¿e ca³± spraw± powinna zaj±æ siê ¦wiatowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) i to pomimo faktu, ¿e uleg³a ona przedawnieniu.
Teraz to mu mog±. trzeba by³o dzia³aæ, jak by³ ku temu czas i miejsce. A ATP ponoæ tuszowa³o sprawê (czemu tu siê dziwiæ?), w obecnej sytuacji jedyne co mog± zrobiæ to zdyskwalifikowaæ Andre do¿ywotnio, co oznacza³oby koniec Jego kariery xDDDDD
Ewentualnie mo¿na zabraæ skalpy z roku 97, ale za du¿o to on wtedy nie ugra³.
Come on Andy !
Nothing shocking about Andre Agassi lies
"What was he thinking?” was the response of a former Wimbledon men’s singles champion who has lived an awful lot of his life in the stinging intensity of the public gaze.
That is the overriding sensation from two days during which we have learnt more about Andre Agassi’s strengths and frailties than he need have told.
What was he thinking? A carefully designed means of selling a few more copies of his memoir?
Even Agassi, who, I have to say, often left me feeling distinctly cold as a person, could not have been that shallow. One would prefer to agree with Darren Cahill, his last professional coach and “dear friend” who says that Agassi is “extremely proud of the book and I’m proud of him for giving such an honest and revealing look at his life”.
It is honest all right, especially the bit about his dishonesty. And let us cut to the quick here. For all that he might have thrown away his entire life when he decided to snort crystal meth, the revelation that he took his time and composed an utterly false account of what he had done to save his skin is the real jolt.
Let the tennis writer who is without sin cast the first stone. None of us is a saint and when I first saw Agassi at 16 in Stratton Mountain, Vermont, in 1986, he did not appear to possess many saintly virtues either. But as his career metamorphosed, as he became the darling of the establishment rather than its dread, he came to be treated by those in the game as a tennis holy man. And that did stick in the craw.
Most journalists revered him, I erred on the side of what I hope was honourable scepticism. A lot of the posturing was too much. Pete Sampras never blew a kiss to a crowd in his career, Agassi did it after every match, to all four corners; Agassi was not alone in treating ballboys like second-class citizens but his demand that they were all in their proper place before he would play (he never wanted two ballboys to be standing together, even though it meant a delay of the game while they trudged back to their place) was too much.
Apparently, he never wanted anyone to watch him practise, to the point of security overkill. Andy Murray has chastised me for not coming to watch him practise enough. Work that one out.
Everyone is free to have their view on whether what Agassi has fessed up to has tarnished his image. What is clear is that the decision he took not to tell the truth to the panel set up to review his case in 1997 was taken because he knew that if he had come clean, his image would be irreparably damaged. That the panel fell for his lies (and did that decision have anything to do with his image and what it would have meant to tennis to lose him?) is almost as vexatious.
The fallibilities of the old drug-testing system — a player can’t go to the toilet these days at a professional tennis event without someone with a clipboard and small jar breathing down their neck — have been laid bare: phone calls that probably should not have been made, anonymous people making profoundly poor decisions. The World Anti-Doping Agency wants explanations and that is its right, but one doubts anyone can repair the damage that was done.
One has to hope that these revelations do not suffocate the Barclays ATP World Tour finals at the 02 arena in southeast London from November 22, a championship that will showcase all that is good and clean in the men’s game today. Tennis is a beautiful game played by exceptional athletes.
I was asked countless times on Wednesday, when The Times began its serialisation, whether I was shocked. It was a bit of a surprise that I found myself saying “not really” as quickly as I did.
Nothing about Agassi shocked that much (well OK, that Steffi Graf fancied him was a bit of a blow). From the teenager with the denim shorts and rakish hair in the Eighties, to the weeping Wimbledon champion of 1992, through the lows of 1997 — how low we are only now discovering — his renaissance as a champion, the change in his persona, the withdrawal from the 2002 Australian Open with a wrist injury at the last minute, the sentimental mush in New York on his retirement from the top of the game in 2006, nothing shocked.
At this year’s US Open, we bumped into Agassi and asked for a few reflections. His mind went back to 1997, to a hotel in Stuttgart, Germany, with Brad Gilbert, who had become his coach that year and had had to deal with the crystal meth fallout (though there is no suggestion he knew anything of the abuse).
“I was ranked 147 and I lost two and three to Todd Martin after taking a wild card,” Agassi said. “Brad looked at me and said, ‘It’s really simple, we’re not leaving this room until you decide what you’re going to do. Are we going to start over? Are we gonna do this, because you’re too good. You’re too good of a person. I’m not going to let you do this.’
“I gave him a big hug and said, ‘I’m going to choose this.’ I looked out at the streets. I saw the lights of all the cars in Germany. I know every car I saw out there was going somewhere they possibly didn’t want to go. They were doing something they possibly didn’t want to do. It’s not till you choose it for yourself that it’s going to resonate.
“And I did. It was a long road. I didn’t know where it was going to lead me. More importantly, I didn’t really care.”
Najwiêksze oszustwo w historii tenisa,90957,721 … enisa.html
Ojciec Chrzestny
Hehe Kolejny g³o¶ny "skandal". Ja ca³e ¿ycie podziwia³em Agassiego jako gracza, ale do grona ulubionych graczy zaliczy³em Go bardzo pó¼no, bo w 2003 roku. Wcze¶niej by³ mi bardzo obojêtny, st±d te¿ z u¶miechem na ustach odbieram takie rewelacje. Obawiam siê jednak, ¿e Jego fani (zw³aszcza bardzo emocjonalnie zaanga¿owani) mog± bardzo siê zniechêciæ co do omawianej biografii. Bo to jednak podchodzi pod robienie z siebie klowna, pajaca czy czego¶ w tym stylu. No a to jak wiemy, jest ró¿nie odbierane w zale¿no¶ci od indywidualnego podej¶cia, charakteru, preferencji, spojrzenia na konkretne sytuacje, zachowania itp itd
Ja na pewno tego (tej ksi±¿ki) nie kupiê
Te¿ mi co od kiedy noszenie peruki jest zabronione? Choæ z drugiej strony to mi strasznie ¿al tego wszystkiego. Zawsze weso³y na korcie a teraz to...
Mam nadziejê, ¿e je¶li ca³y czas bêd± tak ujawniaæ te rzeczy z jego biografii to ludzie nie zapomn± jak wielkim jednak by³ cz³owiekiem i tenisist±.
Marat Safin do³±czy³ siê do chóru krytyki, jaka spad³a na Andre Agassiego po jego niedawnym wyznaniu. S³ynny amerykañski tenisista w opublikowanej autobiografii przyzna³ siê do za¿ywania narkotyków.
Rosyjski tenisista, w wywiadzie dla 'L'Equipe', ostro zaatakowa³ Amerykanina. - Mówi, ¿e czuje siê winny? W takim razie niech odda zarobione na tenisie miliony i tytu³y, które zdoby³ - ironizowa³ Safin. Zasugerowa³ te¿, ¿e Agassi przyzna³ siê do brania narkotyków w trakcie sportowej kariery nie dlatego, ¿e doskwiera mu sumienie, a po to, by zwiêkszyæ sprzeda¿ swojej autobiografii. - Zamierza sprzedaæ w ten sposób wiêcej ksi±¿ek - stwierdzi³ Safin.
Odniós³ siê równie¿ do ataków Agassiego na ATP. - Nie broniê ATP, ale Agassi postawi³ stowarzyszenie w trudnej sytuacji. Krytykuje ATP, podczas gdy w³a¶nie dziêki niemu wygrywa³ tytu³y i zarabia³ pieni±dze.
strona internetowa "onet" 10.11.09
przewróci³o siê Safinowi w g³owie
PanEliot napisał:
Zasugerowa³ te¿, ¿e Agassi przyzna³ siê do brania narkotyków w trakcie sportowej kariery nie dlatego, ¿e doskwiera mu sumienie, a po to, by zwiêkszyæ sprzeda¿ swojej autobiografii. - Zamierza sprzedaæ w ten sposób wiêcej ksi±¿ek - stwierdzi³ Safin.
Odniós³ siê równie¿ do ataków Agassiego na ATP. - Nie broniê ATP, ale Agassi postawi³ stowarzyszenie w trudnej sytuacji. Krytykuje ATP, podczas gdy w³a¶nie dziêki niemu wygrywa³ tytu³y i zarabia³ pieni±dze.
W zasadzie to ma racje... Od pocz±tku widzia³em w tym spory chwyt marketingowy. Wywo³a³ kosztem swojej osoby burze medialn± ale pewnie to siê op³aci. Za nied³ugo sprawa ucichnie a zysk pozostanie.
w tym siê zgodzê, ale jak pisze, ¿eby odda³ wszystkie miliony i trofea to trochê przesadza
No nie wiem czy to mu siê op³aci na d³u¿sz± metê....
Z tego ¶rodowiska zosta³ chyba wyklêty na wieki wieków.Wystarczy przeczytaæ co
na jego temat mówi± jego byli koledzy z kortów Becker,Ivaniseviæ czy inni.
Na pewno niczemu winna Steffi Graf te¿ odczuje skutki tego ca³ego zamieszania.
Co¶ mi siê wierzyæ nie chce ze zrobi³ to wy³±cznie dla pieniêdzy,przecie¿ on i Steffi Graff
to jedni z najbogatszych sportowców na ¶wiecie.Nie mam pojêcia co nim kieruje, ze w tak
frajerski sposób niszczy wszystko na co pracowa³ przez tyle lat profesjonalnej kariery.
Nie wiem mo¿e siê sumienie odezwa³o..Co do ksi±¿ki to kosztuje nieca³e 16 dolców na Amazon..
Ojciec Chrzestny
Na potwierdzenie S³ów Yannick - ostra krytyka, a wrêcz k³ótnia na linii Nastase - Agassi: … our_titles
Oj tak Nastase to jest porz±dni¶ i przyk³ad niewiasty..
z tego co czyta³em to by³ najwiêkszy ze tak powiem'' kobieciarz'' w tourze w latach 70,
Liczne owego czasu Imprezy te¿ nie by³y mu obce i teraz co, mo¿e odbior± Agassiemu wszystkie tytu³y
które wywalczy³ na korcie bo Nastase siê obrazi³ za parê gorzkich s³ów w tej nieszczêsnej ksi±¿ce.
Bez przesady Ilie..
I w³a¶nie to mnie zniesmacza... Najwiêkszymi krytykami s± panowie, których o wielk± moralno¶æ trudno pos±dziæ... Nastêpny Becker, unikaj±cy podatków i robi±cy dzieci w schowku na szczotki. Marata przemilczê przez sympatiê. Oczywi¶cie ¿aden z nich narkotyków na oczy nie widzia³, na imprezach pili zawsze soczek... Oczywi¶cie ¿e Agassi z³ama³ przepisy anty-dop i powinien dostaæ wtedy pó³ roku, rok kary, a teraz opowiadaj±c o tym po prostu siê kompromituje; ale nazywanie go oszustem i wzywanie do oddanie nagród i tytu³ów pokazuje tylko, jak fa³szywe, zak³amane i zawistne jest to ¶rodowisko. Daleki jestem od rozgrzeszanie Andre i wiem, ¿e w oczach wielu staci³ sporo ze swojego autorytetu, ale mam zawsze alegiê na ludzi potêpiaj±cych innych za tego typu przewiny; bo te¿ znaj±c historiê Agassiego wiemy, ¿e to nie by³ jaki¶ demoniczny plan podbicia ¶wiatowych kortów meta-amf±, ale g³upta(kto¶ bardziej empatyczny ni¿ ja powiedzi³aby pewnie: krzyk rozpaczy) cz³owieka który by³ wtedy sportowo i ¿yciowo na dnie. Usprawiedliwiæ tego siê mo¿e nie powinno, ale zrozumieæ mo¿na.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Robertinho (10-11-2009 20:59:04)
Oj tak Robertinho, dobrze to uj±³e¶, wspomniani przez ciebie panowie nie maj±
po prostu ''jaj''. Im przecie do g³owy by nie przysz³o aby siê przyznawaæ do czegokolwiek.A ze ¶wiêci
nie s± to tez wszyscy wiedz±.
Jestem daleki od obrony Agassiego i ze tak powiem skoro te piwo sobie nawa¿y³ to niech je teraz wypije.Ale mnie wkurza ze g³ównie gracze z barwn± przesz³o¶ci± maj± najwiêcej pretensji do Agassiego ,widaæ jak byk ze dbaj± tylko o w³asny ty³ek a Agassi to dla nich teraz trêdowaty ,którego trzeba zniszczyæ bo szkodzi ¶rodowisku..
Ojciec Chrzestny
Moim zdaniem Agassi tym wyznaniem rzuci³ cieñ bardziej na swój dorobek i swoje dobre imiê ni¿ na tenis jako dyscyplinê. Federer chyba ma racjê, mówi±c, ¿e ¶wiatowy tenis sobie z tym poradzi. Je¿eli kto¶ ma problem to jest to sam Andre i byæ mo¿e Jego tenisowa "epoka". £ysy doczeka³ siê ju¿ przydomku "Drugassi "
S³owa Nastase i Marata s± grubo przesadzone. To, ¿e starzy ci±gle chc± pozostaæ w ¶wiatku nikogo nie dziwi, a Safin? Moim zdaniem nie powinien zabieraæ tak radykalnie g³osu w tej sprawie, ale z drugiej stornie, przecie¿ to ca³y Car
Usprawiedliwiæ tego siê mo¿e nie powinno, ale zrozumieæ mo¿na.
To, ¿e bra³ to Jego sprawa. Nam chyba nic do tego (ani Safinowi ani innym grajkom). Ale, ¿e wyszed³ na kort po za¿yciu takie specyfiku. Naprawdê trudno w takiej sytuacji o jak±kolwiek wyrozumia³o¶æ.
November 11
1997 – With a ranking of No. 141, former world No. 1 Andre Agassi resorts to playing on the Challenger Circuit – the minor leagues of professional tennis – and defeats Michael Tebbutt of Australia 6-2, 6-4 in the first round of the Luxor Challenger in his hometown of Las Vegas, Nev. Agassi’s 1997 season features opening round losses in eight of his 12 events, while missing three of the four major tournaments. Says the 27-year-old Agassi, "I feel like this is a step for me, and it's part of my preparation in hopes of really getting myself back to where I know I can be. My shots haven't gone anywhere. …I think since the summer of the Olympics, Cincinnati and the U.S. Open (in 1996) was the last stretch of really great tennis I've played. Since then, my foot speed lacked a little bit, which I'm starting to get back ... once the footwork comes back and I'm in position, I've still got great shots….It feels good for me to come out here and grind it out with the boys. If I can get a day better every day, that's all I can ask for."
Newk serves up some love for Agassi
Among the piles of hate mail Andre Agassi might receive for revealing he took drugs and threw a match during his tennis career, at least one envelope bearing an Australian postage stamp will contain a note bearing a kinder tone.
"I've actually been thinking about writing him a letter," ' said Australian tennis great John Newcombe.
"Just a little show of support because there are a lot of people criticising him ... and I'm not sure they have got the facts right."
The former world number one has intently watched the fall-out from Agassi's stunning revelations, contained in his new autobiography "Open".
The American confesses to using banned drug crystal meth in 1997, failing a doping test and then lying to the men's tennis tour and avoiding punishment.
He also reveals losing on purpose in an Australian Open semi-final against Michael Chang.
The confessions have unleashed a torrent of criticism, much of it from other tennis players.
Most recently, Russian Marat Safin claimed Agassi ought to "give his titles, his money and his Grand Slam titles" back to the ATP.
But Newcombe believes the players have it wrong.
"That's just stupid," he said of Safin's comments. "I think that was a bit of Marat tongue-in-cheek."
Newcombe said it was wrong for the tennis community to take offence at Agassi's behaviour, particularly his recreational drug use, as he had not cheated the game.
"The weaknesses revealed are not anti-tennis, they are human frailties, the story of living with that sort of pressure," he said.
"I'm 100 per cent against drugs but people who [become depressed] do some desperate things ... I've got complete sympathy.
"I didn't understand when some of the top players and former top players came out and criticised him [for taking crystal meth].
"It was not performance enhancing, in fact it was the opposite."
Newcombe conceded some surprise at the extent of Agassi's confessions. But none of them had tarnished his view of the eight-time Grand Slam champ.
"From my point of view [it doesn't change the respect I have for him], not one iota.
"I think he's been very brave to write what he's written. He obviously doesn't need the money.
"Knowing Andre, he would have been trying to [reveal] what a low ebb his life had become.
"I think it's a fascinating story."
Even Agassi's apparent disrespect for the jewel of Australia's tennis calendar, the Australian Open, did not anger Newcombe.
Agassi claimed he "tanked" - or lost on purpose - against Michael Chang in the 1996 semi-final to avoid playing Boris Becker in the final, who he said has blown kisses at his former wife Brooke Shields.
"I have a failure to understand why anyone would not try and win a grand slam semi-final.
"But no [I'm not angered by it] because I understand where the guy was going. He was going downhill in his mind, probably really close to a deep depression."
Newcombe has deep sympathy for Agassi's plight in the late 1990s, the troubled part of his career when his world ranking blew out to 141, and in which the drug-taking and match throwing incidents occurred.
"It seems to me Andre was a certain type of person prior to 1998 or 1999, and after he hit rock bottom he changed his whole character," Newcombe said.
It was more common for athletes to start their careers with focus and ambition, before losing their way towards the end, he said.
"But Andre turned himself around from the early part of his career, and ended up being an extremely likeable person, more outgoing."
In the darker chapters of Agassi's career, Newcombe also found a personal connection.
Agassi reveals hating tennis "with a dark and secret passion", and described a low-point sitting in a German hotel room in 1997 with coach Brad Gilbert, and resolving to start over.
It was a familiar scene for Newcombe.
"I went through that myself. In 1972 I wanted to quit the game. I had two kids and with all the travel, I hated it.
"I played five tournaments where I had lost in the first round, so I sat myself down to make a decision: either I quit now, or get serious.
"Anyone who's been at the top that doesn't understand that [sort of depression] is not telling the truth."
Newcombe also defended the ATP, which has faced intense criticism over its handling of Agassi's positive drug test from current and former players, including Rafael Nadal, Michael Stich and Todd Woodbridge.
Some questioned whether Agassi was excused because of his stature.
But Newcombe said he called the ATP in the wake of the drug revelations, and was told it was an independent agency that conducted the test and kept it secret.
The ATP had no knowledge of Agassi's violation, he said.
In its public statements in response to Agassi's confession, the ATP has confirmed it used an an independent panel, and that it did not have "the authority or ability to decide the outcome of an anti-doping matter".
November 13, 2009 - Agassi and the drug testing
By Charles Bricker
You wouldn't describe Andre Agassi's hugely impressive autobiography ("Open") as humorous, but there was at least one part of this amazing and revelatory piece of work that left a number of ATP players chuckling about Slim, the mysterious "assistant" who, according to Andre, got him started on crystal meth.
Slim? Right. Real name Rich McKee, or "Little Rich," who for years existed largely in the shadows of the Agassi entourage but who was Andre's invaluable go-fer. You need the car washed? Slim's job. Need to score a couple tickets to a game or concert? Hey Slim. Not happy with the lack of Mountain Dew in the grocery stores in London? Slim, have a case sent over from the U.S. to my Wimbledon rental house.
When a few pre-publication excerpts began appearing in various publications, in which Slim was identified as the drug culprit, those who knew Agassi well began connecting the dots.
Oh yeah. Little Rich. We wondered what happened to him. Because it was just about the time that Agassi got The Call from the drug testers that Slim disappeared. I have no idea where he is today, but feel free to write if you know (
That's all the levity I'm giving you for today. It's now time to get serious because I want to have a discussion here about the conspiracy theorists who insist that the ATP back in 1997, when Agassi says he was getting high on meth, knew about his positive drug test, knew about his lying letter to the drug tribunal and swept the incident, as they say, under the carpet.
I'm not saying with 100 percent certainty that then-CEO Mark Miles and his chief legal counsel, Mark Young ("The Two Marks") didn't bury the Agassi drug mess, but I am saying the chances of them either doing it or being ABLE to do it are so marginal (I almost said "slim") that it begs reality to think that happened.
For starters, The Two Marks had no authority to prosecute Agassi or any other player for testing positive for a banned drug. That authority in 1997 was the exclusive domain of an internationally known Swedish drug-testing firm, which had contracts not only with the ATP but with several other sports leagues around the globe.
Just to catch you up, here's how the Agassi case evolved, according to Andre. He had been taking meth more or less regularly throughout 1997, a year in which he had lost interest in tennis and, obviously, lost respect for himself. Things hit rock bottom on court in Stuttgart on Oct. 21.
He had taken a month off after losing to Patrick Rafter in the round of 16 at the U.S. Open, then signed on to play singles and doubles at the German indoor event. He and Todd Martin lost in doubles on Monday and Agassi lost 6-4, 6-4 to Todd on Tuesday.
He was so down, so emotionally beaten up that Brad Gilbert, then his coach, tried to get him into a couple of bush league tournaments. We're not talking about Challengers here. We're talking about rock bottom pro events. To his credit, Agassi re-committed himself to his tennis. But shortly afterward, he tested positive and was called by a representative of the Swedish drug company to ask if he wanted to appeal or be present for the testing of the B sample.
He chose instead to have his legal representatives write to the drug testers and offer up the phony explanation that he had drunk a meth-laced soft drink that belonged to Slim. "The dog ate my homework" excuse, as Katie Couric suggested when she interviewed Agassi last Sunday on 60 Minutes.
Here's what doesn't add up for the conspiracy theorists. First, you have to believe that the Swedish company, whose financial future and integrity depend entirely on its independence, would have contacted Miles immediately upon receiving Agassi's positive A test and allowed him to influence their results. That would have been a breach because the drug tests are totally confidential until a player is found guilty and punished.
For this cover-up to have taken place would have required the concerted effort of every entity connected with tennis -- the ATP, the ITF, numerous former officials of the ATP, high-ranking players who are close to ATP executives, not to mention the individuals of the three-member panel that ruled in the Agassi case.
You're saying that over the 12 years since the Agassi incident took place not one person spilled the goods on a cover-up that involved perhaps the highest-profile player in tennis? Anyone who thinks this is a cover-up is convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald was framed by Lyndon Johnson.
So, how much did The Two Marks know about the Swedes' decision to accept, and not prosecute, Agassi? I suspect they both knew the details AFTER Andre's excuse was accepted. But not until afterward. And then, because Agassi was not declared a drug violator, neither Miles nor anyone else had the right to disclose that he had tested positive. The bottom line here is that the circle of information on an incident like this is just too wide to support a conspiracy theory.
Those people who are throwing this at the ATP probably don't understand the mechanics of how the drug program worked then. This was pre-WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), but there still was an independent drug-testing company involved and typically included three people on the panels -- a lawyer, a doctor and a technician.
None of them work for the ATP.
Novemer 8, 2009 - Andre Agassi and the book
By Charles Bricker
It's nearly 8:15 p.m. and 60 Minutes, delayed as usual this time of the year by an NFL game, has finished up with, I thought, a darn fair examination of Andre Agassi in the wake of the revelations in his forthcoming book, "Open."
I'd been struggling more than a week with what to say about Agassi, but resolved a few days ago to wait until his well-advertised appearance on 60 Minutes, and I'm glad I did. I wanted to hear what he had to say, and I wanted to examine the way he said it. A lot of the conflicted feelings I had about him when this story broke are now resolved in my mind, and I feel at this moment about Andre pretty much as I did when he retired at the U.S. Open in 2006 -- one of the great tear-jerking moments in tennis.
He's an extremely sympathetic figure and, yes, taking crystal meth for much of 1997 was stupid, immature and, worst of all, showed how much disrespect he had for himself. He's been excoriated by Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Martina Navratilova, to name three high-profile tennis figures, and I thought he was going to break down during the interview when Katie Couric read Navratilova's remarks.
"Shocking. Not as much shock that he did it as shock he lied about it and didn't own up to it. He's up there with Roger Clemens, as far as I'm concerned. He owned up to it, but it doesn't help now," said Navratilova.
Strong words from a woman who carries as much or more baggage as Agassi did with a long list of anti-American remarks and words about former President George Bush which reminds one of the worst and most vicious comments that have been directed recently at Barack Obama.
Then there was the former women's star Arantxa Sanchez Vicario, ridiculously suggesting Agassi admitted to all this in order to sell his book. The idea that he needs to sell anything with the money he and wife Steffi Graf have taken from tennis is ludicrous.
No one, of course, is endorsing Agassi's use of drugs or his lying to the men's tour. But while I believe the game has been hurt by this news, I find it hard to be as outraged as all these people.
To begin with, I prefer to look at Agassi's full body of work -- years of post-drug use as one of the great gentleman-sportsmen in the game and his years of commitment to educating poor children in Las Vegas.
Next, there is a very real debate about whether meth enhances or detracts from performance on the court. It's an upper. It makes you feel good when you feel depressed. But it's not a steroid and it doesn't help build strength. Students take it to stay awake in order to cram for exams. I'm sure there are a lot of out-of-work people taking meth these days as they ponder how they're going to feed their families.
As bad as meth is for you, it doesn't equate to steroids, which makes Navratilova's comparison to Clemens so much drivel.
Taking meth was wrong, not only because it has the potential to further destroy your life but because it's illegal. But it obviously didn't make Andre play better tennis. Until November of 1997, he was a dog and his ranking dropped to 141.
If he had been on top of the world with a string of Grand Slam titles and taking meth like some bored, rich Hollywood star, it would be difficult to summon up any sympathy. But he was taking the stuff at a low point in his life, looking for a release. Or, as Agassi said when he first took it, "It can't be any worse."
He said he began taking meth after a bad loss to Pete Sampras left him dispirited and, perhaps for the first time, thinking about quitting the game that his father drove him to play from the age of 4.
It was early in 1997, he said without identifying the exact or approximate time, that he took his first dose and not until late in the year, after yet another bad loss, this time in Germany, that coach Brad Gilbert told him he should either quit the game altogether or start over.
He started over, going home to Las Vegas for a Challenger, then on to Burbank, Calif. The wins were coming again and after the worst year of his life he seemed committed to a turn-around.
But not long after his comeback he got The Call, telling him he had tested positive and that he needed to offer an explanation. He lied and the ATP either bought it or decided the publicity would be really, really bad for the game. You'll have to make your own call on that one, since there's no evidence one way or the other.
You can trash Agassi if you like. He deserves a good trashing. But he also deserves a heavy dose of sympathy here. This is not the bad human being Martina makes him out to be. If there is one thing we've learned about Agassi over the years, and which is clearly authenticated in this book, it is that he is a complex person with a very big heart.
He made a mistake and, though he got away with it, maybe he feels as if he has to punish himself now. Marc Antony had it right about people like Navratilova: "The evil that men do live after them. The good is oft interred with their bones."
I wish even 10 percent of the stars in this game were 20 percent as honest as Andre Agassi.
Ojciec Chrzestny
To mo¿e co¶ po polsku...
Agassi: Niczego nie ¿a³ujê
Mimo krytyki, jaka spotka³a go w tenisowym ¶rodowisku, Andre Agassi nie ¿a³uje ujawnienia sekretów swego ¿ycia i u¿ywania metamfetaminy w 1997 r. Jego ¿ona, Steffi Graf, jest z niego dumna.
W autobiografii zatytu³owanej "Open", Amerykanin przyzna³, ¿e cierpi±c na g³êbok± depresjê zdecydowa³ siê na stosowanie "rekreacyjnego" narkotyku i k³ama³, ¿e nie u¿ywa ¿adnych niedozwolonych ¶rodków.
- Jak mo¿na ¿a³owaæ swego ¿ycia, jak mo¿na ¿a³owaæ mówienia prawdy. To jedyna szansa, jak± mam, by opowiedzieæ koleje mego losu. Dlatego zatytu³owa³em ksi±¿kê "Open". Jej napisanie zajê³o mi trzy lata. Chcê, by mia³a wp³yw na ¿ycie milionów ludzi, których nigdy nie spotka³em na swej drodze - powiedzia³.
Numer 2 ¶wiatowego tenisa Hiszpan Rafael Nadal uwa¿a, ¿e oszustów nale¿y karaæ. Jego rodak Sergi Bruguera, który przegra³ olimpijski fina³ z Agassim w Atlancie (1996) uzna³, ¿e rywal powinien zwróciæ z³oty medal igrzysk. Rosjanin Marat Safin posun±³ siê do stwierdzenia, ¿e nale¿y dochodziæ, by Amerykanin zwróci³ swe trofea i pieni±dze zarobione w tenisie.
39-letni Agassi argumentuje, ¿e je¶li ukara³ - to tylko siebie, a nie zaszkodzi³ tenisowi. - Zrani³em i zniszczy³em siebie. W ci±gu ca³ego roku nie wygra³em ¿adnego turnieju, nie dokona³em niczego znacz±cego. Zdo³a³em siê jednak z tego wydobyæ. To by³ rok wyjêty z ¿ycia.
Poza s³owami potêpienia, Agassi otrzyma³ te¿ wyrazy poparcia, ze strony Andy'ego Roddicka i Andy'ego Murraya. Jak przyzna³, by³ tym wzruszony.
Wielkim oparciem jest te¿ dla niego ¿ona, by³a, s³awna tenisistka, Steffi Graf. Gdy pisa³ autobiografiê, my¶la³ o swych dzieciach, synu (Jaden Gil) i córce (Jaz Elle). - ¯eby nie ba³y siê prawdy i wiedzia³y, ¿e ludzie pope³niaj± b³êdy. B³êdy to nie g³ówny problem, ale to, co z nimi zrobimy - podkre¶li³.
Mimo deszczu w Nowym Jorku pó³ tysi±ca osób sta³o w kolejce, by dostaæ autograf na ksi±¿ce tenisisty.
Maski i peruki Andre Agassiego
Raz tenis kocha³, raz nienawidzi³, z wzajemno¶ci±. Jego kariera by³a ci±g³± jazd± od euforii do zw±tpienia, od buntu do pogodzenia z losem. Romanse, prowokacje, zwyciêstwa. Wszystko wystawione na sprzeda¿. Tak jak w wydanej w³a¶nie autobiografii
Jedni mówi±, ¿e zrobi³ to tylko dla pieniêdzy. Inni, ¿e g³ównie dla rozg³osu. On sam przekonuje, ¿e to ma byæ pokuta i oczyszczenie. Bardziej taktowni tenisi¶ci nazywaj± jego wynurzenia nierozs±dnymi. Pyskacze, jak Rosjanin Marat Safin, wymy¶laj± mu od g³upków i nawo³uj±, by je¶li rzeczywi¶cie chce odkupiæ winy, odda³ pieni±dze i tytu³y zdobyte nieuczciwie. A w biurach Andre Agassi Enterprises spece od marketingu zacieraj± rêce. “Open: an Autobiography” jest na pó³kach od piêciu dni, ale tenis ¿yje ni± od tygodni. Co tam trwaj±ce ci±gle turnieje i walka o awans do Masters. Dzi¶ ka¿dy tenisista s³yszy na konferencji po meczu: Co s±dzisz o wyznaniach Andre? A lista zamówieñ na ksi±¿kê puchnie.
“Open” to 400 stron relacji z piek³a i nieba tenisa. O despotycznym ojcu, ukradzionym dzieciñstwie, poszukiwaniu prawdziwego “ja”, mi³o¶ci, tchórzostwie. O niezrozumianym buntowniku, który by³ zak³adnikiem swojego wizerunku do tego stopnia, ¿e wola³ graæ w finale Roland Garros 1990 w po³atanej spinkami peruce, ni¿ przyznaæ siê do ³ysienia. Ale nie to zapewni³o ksi±¿ce rozg³os, tylko rozdzia³ o narkotykach. Agassi przyznaje w nim, ¿e w pewnym momencie siêga³ regularnie po siln± metamfetaminê, zwan± crystal. To by³o w 1997 roku, gdy przesta³ radziæ sobie z karier± i ¿yciem prywatnym. Wiedzia³, ¿e ma³¿eñstwo z aktork± i modelk± Brooke Shields, ulubienic± Ameryki, nie ma przysz³o¶ci, ale brakowa³o mu odwagi, by odwo³aæ ¶lub. Kontuzja nadgarstka i k³opoty z motywacj± zepchnê³y go poza pierwsz± setkê rankingu. Gra³ w turniejach podrzêdnej kategorii. Przyty³ tak, ¿e wo³ano na niego Burger King of Tennis.
Z otêpienia wyrwa³ go telefon z ATP, organizacji tenisistów. Dzwoni³ lekarz, który w³a¶nie wykry³ u niego metamfetaminê. Ale Agassi brn±³ dalej. Napisa³ list, który dzi¶ sam nazywa stekiem k³amstw przetkanych prawd±, przekonywa³, ¿e przez pomy³kê wypi³ narkotykowy koktajl, który przygotowa³ sobie jego asystent. W³adze ATP uwierzy³y, bo widaæ bardzo chcia³y uwierzyæ. Darowa³y mu karê – trzy miesi±ce dyskwalifikacji – ale przede wszystkim utrzyma³y wszystko w tajemnicy, chroni±c swoj± upadaj±c± gwiazdê przed medialnym linczem i strat± sponsorów.
Dzi¶, po ponad 12 latach od tamtego oszustwa, po trzech sezonach na sportowej emeryturze, Amerykanin wyznaje prawdê i prosi o wybaczenie. W³a¶nie fragment o narkotykach wybra³ z wydawcami do promocji ksi±¿ki. Mówi, ¿e musia³ to w koñcu z siebie wyrzuciæ. Nie dla zysków, bo mia³ wiele problemów w ¿yciu, ale akurat pieni±dze nigdy nie by³y jednym z nich. I nie dla s³awy, bo te rewelacje mog± mu przynie¶æ wiêcej z³ego ni¿ dobrego.
Lata³ nie bêdê
Kto chce, ten uwierzy. Mówi to cz³owiek, który po¿eni³ sport z dba³o¶ci± o promocjê jak ma³o kto przed nim. Cudowne dziecko Las Vegas, ¶wiatowej stolicy blefu i tandety. Supertalent, który zosta³ zawodowcem jako szesnastolatek, ju¿ pierwszy sezon skoñczy³ w czo³owej setce, a rok pó¼niej przez ¿ycie zaczê³a go prowadziæ firma Nike. Ubieraæ, doradzaæ, chroniæ. A¿ do roku 2005, gdy przeszed³ na stronê Adidasa. Z samych premii za zwyciêstwa na korcie zebra³ w karierze 30 milionów dolarów, a z reklam kilkana¶cie razy tyle. I wci±¿ podpisuje nowe kontrakty. Reklamuje zegarki, ubezpieczycieli, telefony komórkowe. Teraz robi to ju¿ jako pomnik tenisa, zapraszany na ¶wietnie p³atne mecze pokazowe, jako filantrop kieruj±cy kilkoma przedsiêwziêciami charytatywnymi, pomagaj±cy trudnej m³odzie¿y z Nevady.
Zawsze by³ jak kameleon, dopasowywa³ siê do ka¿dej epoki, w rytm zmieniaj±cych siê sloganów firm, które go sponsorowa³y. Jako idol rozwrzeszczanych nastolatek biega³ w bermudach i ró¿owych gatkach z lycry, z grzyw± jak George Michael z czasów Wham i mówi³ w reklamach, ¿e “Wizerunek jest wszystkim”, a “Tenis jest do dupy” (“Tennis sucks” – to by³ slogan jego linii ubrañ Nike z 1995). Potem jako cz³owiek po przej¶ciach, wydobywaj±cy siê z przepa¶ci wspomnianego ju¿ sezonu 1997 z powrotem na szczyt, powtarza³: “Po prostu zrób to”.
I po prostu to zrobi³, gdy w pó³tora roku z drugiej setki rankingu dosta³ siê w 1999 r. znów na prowadzenie, w tym samym sezonie zdoby³ jedyny wielkoszlemowy tytu³, jakiego mu jeszcze brakowa³o, na Roland Garros, i podczas tradycyjnego tañca mistrzów paryskiego turnieju poderwa³ mi³o¶æ swojego ¿ycia Steffi Graf. W³a¶cicielkê 22 wielkoszlemowych tytu³ów, wtedy jeszcze znan± jako Panna Forhend. Dzi¶ Steffi, ju¿ jako pani Agassi, razem z mê¿em gra w reklamach, w których zapewniaj± nas, ¿e “Elegancja to postawa ¿yciowa” (Longines), zachêcaj±: “Bierz wiêcej” (T-Mobile), itd.
Dojrza³y Agassi ³±czy – a przynajmniej ³±czy³, dopóki nie nag³o¶ni³ swoich przygód z “crystal” – to, co m³ody Agassi podzieli³. Zaczyna³ karierê jako irytuj±cy narwaniec i bawidamek. Zawsze by³ wygadany, a woda sodowa po pierwszych sukcesach zrobi³a swoje. Wszystkich mia³ w powa¿aniu, uwa¿a³ siê za lepszego i dawa³ to odczuæ.
Pete Sampras? “Wygl±da, jakby w³a¶nie zszed³ z drzewa. Chodzi mi oczywi¶cie o du¿y zasiêg ramion”. Ilie Nastase? “Du¿y g³upi Rumun”. I tak dalej: o rywalach z kortu, sêdziach, dzia³aczach. D³ugo nie chcia³ graæ w Australian Open, bo mówi³, ¿e tak daleko to on lataæ nie bêdzie. Omija³ te¿ Wimbledon, bo nie rozumia³ ca³ego tego zamieszania z traw±, g³upimi uk³onami w stronê lo¿y królewskiej i ubieraniem siê na bia³o. Zreszt± Europy tak do koñca nie zrozumia³ chyba nigdy i wiedzia³, ¿e ona jeszcze bardziej nie rozumie jego.
W USA by³ chowany w przekonaniu, ¿e jak to uj±³ jeden z komentatorów, “w ¶wiecie Agassiego nie ma czego¶ takiego jak faux pas. On nawet nie musi wiedzieæ, jak to siê wymawia”. A w Europie tylko czekano, a¿ naje¼d¼ca z Nevady wy³o¿y siê na jakim¶ pytaniu. Tam pupilem by³ grzeczny i cichy Sampras, z którym Agassi stworzy³ najbardziej znan± parê sportowych rywali lat 90. Pete by³ z Wenus, a Andre z Marsa. Na tym zderzeniu przeciwieñstw Nike budowa³o ca³e serie kampanii reklamowych. Pete wola³ milczeæ, Andre mówi³ za dwóch. Podczas fina³u Pucharu Davisa w Lyonie, kulinarnej stolicy Francji, zapytano go, czy ju¿ próbowa³ miejscowych dañ. Odpowiedzia³, ¿e od¿y³, dopiero gdy znalaz³ jakiego¶ McDonaldsa.
Wielu specjalistów od tenisa mia³o alergiê na Agassiego. Za to, ¿e wszed³ z butami w ich szlachetny sport, ¿e jego styl gry bli¿szy jest nerwowym tikom ni¿ piêknu, jakie pokazywa³ Sampras. Zarzucano mu przerost formy nad tre¶ci± i nieszczero¶æ, gdy jedn± rêk± posy³a³ ca³usy na cztery strony kortu, a drug± wygra¿a³ ch³opcom od podawania pi³ek.
Pisarz David Foster Wallace, zgry¼liwy kibic tenisa, kpi³ w jednym ze swoich tekstów, ¿e gdy patrzy na Andre, to nie widzi gracji mistrza sportu, tylko dziwne podskoki heavymetalowca. Agassi rzeczywi¶cie nie wygl±da³ jak heros: niepozorny wzrost, chude nogi, wada krêgos³upa. Nie mia³ serwisu, biega³ po korcie drobnymi kroczkami. A jednak wygrywa³. Ta ¶mieszna krz±tanina dzia³a³a w po³±czeniu z genialnym returnem i zawziêto¶ci±. To jemu, a nie Samprasowi, uda³o siê zebraæ wszystkie wielkoszlemowe tytu³y. Nazywano go mistrzem ¶wiata w pragnieniu zwyciêstwa. By³y tenisista Mats Wilander mówi³, ¿e Agassi ju¿ od pierwszej pi³ki meczu ma wrzucony pi±ty bieg.
Modlitwa w Pary¿u
Showman z Nevady zapewnia³ emocje, bo by³ nieprzewidywalny. Przegrywa³, gdy wszyscy na niego stawiali (np. w Roland Garros z rywalem z trzeciej setki rankingu), zwyciê¿a³, gdy nie dawano mu szans. Nie znosi³ gry na m±czce, ale to w³a¶nie na niej doszed³ do pierwszego wielkoszlemowego fina³u, w Roland Garros 1990. Tego, w którym gra³ z dziwn± fryzjersk± konstrukcj± na g³owie, bo dzieñ wcze¶niej tupecik kryj±cy ³ysienie rozpad³ mu siê pod prysznicem. “Modli³em siê przed meczem nie o zwyciêstwo, tylko ¿eby mi to nie odpad³o z g³owy” – pisze w ksi±¿ce. Nie odpad³o, ale fina³ przegra³. Zwyciêstwa uciek³y mu te¿ w dwóch nastêpnych wielkich fina³ach: US Open i Roland Garros rok pó¼niej. I gdy ju¿ dorobi³ siê opinii tego, który przegrywa wtedy, kiedy najbardziej potrzebuje zwyciêstwa, przeprosi³ siê z Wimbledonem, pojecha³ tam pierwszy raz w 1992 roku i wróci³ z tytu³em. Z Australian Open by³o tak samo: jak ju¿ postanowi³ siê tam wybraæ w 1995 roku, to od razu wygra³ fina³. Takie niespodziewane powroty to by³a jego specjalno¶æ. Nikt przed nim nie wygra³ US Open bez rozstawienia, nikt nie zrobi³ takiego skoku do czo³ówki rankingu jak on w 1998, gdy ze 122. miejsca wskoczy³ na szóste.
Wiele mu mo¿na by³o zarzuciæ, ale nie, ¿e siê nie uczy na b³êdach. Andre, któremu wszystko przychodzi bez trudu, to tylko jedna z jego póz z m³odo¶ci. By³ niewolnikiem w³asnego perfekcjonizmu. Opisuje w ksi±¿ce, jak siê pod tym ciê¿arem ugina³. Wspomina wiecznie niezadowolonego ojca, który go na wielkiego tenisistê nie tyle wychowa³, ile wytresowa³. Emmanuel Agassian by³ irañskim bokserem ormiañskiego pochodzenia, olimpijczykiem z 1948 i 1952 roku.
Gdy wyemigrowa³ do USA, sta³ siê Mike’em Agassim. Pracowa³ jako ochroniarz w kasynie Caesar’s Palace, a po godzinach zapêdza³ dzieci do tenisowej kariery. Zbudowa³ im kort, skonstruowa³ specjaln± maszynê do wyrzucania pi³ek, któr± Andre – najbardziej pojêtny z dzieci – nazywa³ Smokiem. Maszyna wypluwa³a pi³ki z ogromn± szybko¶ci±, a on odbija³ wszystko, co nadlatywa³o. Co najmniej 2,5 tysi±ca pi³ek dziennie, bo jak wyliczy³ ojciec, 2,5 tysi±ca to bêdzie milion odbiæ rocznie, a dziecka, które odbija³o milion razy rocznie, nikt nie pokona. Andre robi³, co mu kazano, bo “z³e rzeczy siê dzia³y, jak ojciec siê rozgniewa³”. Mike w samochodzie wozi³ trzonek od siekiery, ¿eby siê rozprawiaæ z tymi, co mu zaszli za skórê na drodze. A w kieszeniach sól i pieprz, jakby siê wda³ w jak±¶ awanturê na ulicy i musia³ komu¶ sypn±æ w oczy.
K³óci³ siê z sêdziami, kaza³ synowi graæ za pieni±dze z doros³ymi, zak³adaj±c siê o wynik. Przygotowywa³ mu przed turniejami mikstury, które jak mo¿na siê domy¶laæ z tego, co pisze Andre, raczej nie przesz³yby dzisiejszych kontroli antydopingowych.
Nowy Jork wiwatuje
Agassi nigdy nie kry³ ¿alu do ojca, ¿e nie da³ mu poznaæ, co to jest bezwarunkowa mi³o¶æ, rozmawia³ tylko o tenisie, nie mia³ lito¶ci. Ale wiedzia³ te¿, ¿e bez tej tresury nie mia³by sukcesów ani tej zadziwiaj±cej si³y przetrwania. Kto by kiedy¶ przypuszcza³, ¿e z czwórki amerykañskich tenisistów wchodz±cych razem na ¶wiatowe korty, Agassiego, Samprasa, Jima Couriera i Michaela Changa, najd³u¿ej wytrwa w tym ¶wiatku w³a¶nie Andre. Sampras by³ ju¿ rentierem golfist±, Chang ³owi³ ryby i g³osi³ Dobr± Nowinê, Courier muzykowa³ w swoim domowym studiu, a Agassi dalej biega³ za pi³k±. A¿ zosta³ w 2003 roku najstarszym liderem w historii rankingu ATP.
Rozstawa³ siê z kortem jako wzór dla m³odych tenisistów, ojciec dwójki dzieci. Pier¶cionki, kolczyki, ³añcuchy zamieni³ na naszyjnik zrobiony przez syna Jadena, z napisem: “Daddy Rocks”. Gdy w 2006 roku w III rundzie US Open koñczy³ ostatni mecz w karierze, trzymaj±c siê na nogach tylko dziêki zastrzykom z kortyzonu, publiczno¶æ w Nowym Jorku wiwatowa³a nieprzerwanie przez osiem minut. Dziêkowa³a za 21 lat kariery, legendarne boje z Samprasem, 61 startów w Wielkim Szlemie i osiem zdobytych tam tytu³ów, 60 wygranych turniejów, z³oty medal igrzysk olimpijskich w Atlancie, 101 tygodni na czele rankingu ATP. Sta³ przed ni± zap³akany 36-latek, który dziêki tenisowi zdoby³ s³awê, pieni±dze i mi³o¶æ, ale pod koniec kariery musia³ co noc przenosiæ siê z ³ó¿ka na pod³ogê, bo miêkki materac by³ dla jego krêgos³upa tortur± nie do zniesienia.
Od trzech lat ju¿ nic nie musi, poza odwiezieniem i przywiezieniem dzieci ze szko³y, dogl±daniem swoich biznesów, charytatywnych przedsiêwziêæ, i wyborem nastêpnego miejsca, w którym mi³o spêdz± czas ze Steffi. Ale uzna³, ¿e ma jeszcze co¶ do za³atwienia, nawet za cenê zm±cenia spokoju swojego i innych. Dzi¶, gdy jego s³odko-gorzka opowie¶æ le¿y na pó³kach, Agassi zdejmuje jedn± z masek i mówi tym, co go kochali i nienawidzili: A jednak nie wszystko o mnie wiedzieli¶cie. I nie my¶lcie, ¿e ju¿ wiecie.