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#1 31-01-2009 19:22:39


Last hit for Wimby

Zarejestrowany: 30-08-2008
Posty: 2281
Ulubiony zawodnik: Andy Roddick

Bernard Tomic


Bernard Tomic (ur. 21.10.1992,Stuttgart) - nadzieja australijskiego tenisa, jego pochodzenie trafnie oddaje hasło 'wystrzałowy misz-masz'. 190 cm, 77kg, dwuręczny backhand, w tym roku przeszedł na zawodostwo.
Zwycięzca Orange Bowl, osiągał dobre wyniki w juniorskich Szlemach, co w jego wieku stanowi ewenement.

Szerszej publiczności pokazał się podczas AO 2009, pokonując Włocha Starace, ulegając jednak w drugiej rundzie Gillesowi Mullerowi, pozostawił jednak za sobą bardzo pozytywne wrażenie.

MTT GOAT (2xWimbledon, US Open, 7 innych, w tym Miami i Queens)

Come on Andy!



#2 02-02-2009 13:23:15


Last hit for Wimby

Zarejestrowany: 30-08-2008
Posty: 2281
Ulubiony zawodnik: Andy Roddick

Re: Bernard Tomic

MTT GOAT (2xWimbledon, US Open, 7 innych, w tym Miami i Queens)

Come on Andy!



#3 02-02-2009 15:38:38


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

To chyba jakaś przesada dziennikarzy. Wynika z tego, że dostał dozywotniego bana na rozgrywki Itf i Challnegery. Ma to mieć związak z grudniowym incydentem podczas futuresa w Australii, gdzie pokłócił się z ojcem swojego kortowego rywala podczas gry.

Myśle, że to jest jednak grubo przesadzona informacja - Tennis Australia ot tak by tego nie zaakcpetowała. Za dużego kalibru jest to talent przecież.

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#4 06-02-2009 15:40:28

Guillermo Coria


Zarejestrowany: 05-02-2009
Posty: 296

Re: Bernard Tomic

Kiedyś odkryłem argentyńskiego wojownika Juana Monaco, który z czelendżerów bardzo szybko awansował do czołowej 100 rankingu ATP.

Następnie dostrzegłem talent  Rafaela Nadala i Andy Murray'a , dzisiaj tu i teraz oświadczam światu,że kolejnym zawodnikiem który w następnych kilkunastu latach będzie liczył się na świecie jest Bernard Tomic.
Cudowne dziecko australijskiego tenisa ma wszelkie predyspozycje do tego żeby wypełnić pustke w sercu wszystkich zakochanych w tenisie australijczyków, którzy oczekują narodzin nowego tenisowego Boga , który przejmie schedę po staczającym się z roku na rok po równi pochyłej legendarnym dla nich Leytonie.

Na Tomica zwróciłem uwagę po raz pierwszy  kiedy miał zaledwie trzynaście lat i gromił swoich rówieśników z regularnością godną przyszłego mistrza.

W ubiegłym sezonie mając zaledwie piętnaście lat zwyciężył w juniorskim AO popisując się niewiarygodną jak na takiego młodego gracza odpornością psychiczna w kluczowych momentach spotkań. Zagrał również w kwalifikacjach do seniorskiego turnieju i broniąc kilkanaście piłek meczowych w drugim secie potrafił pokonać swojego rywala i awansować do drugiej rundy. Ten aspekt już świadczy o tym z jak wielką skalą talentu mamy do czynienia mówiąc o Bernardzie Tomicu.

Bernard zadebiutował w rozgrywkach ATP na początku stycznia 2009 roku podczas turnieju w australijskim Brisbane. Mając piętnaście lat każdy mecz z tak świetnymi i doświadczonymi rywalami to jest ogromny kapitał który będzie procentował w przyszłości,kiedy na dźwięk nazwiska Tomic jego przyszłych rywali będą przechodzić dreszcze strachu.

W histori było wielu. Wielu z tych wielu było ponad wielu. On jest ponad wszystkich. Rafael Nadal Parera niekwestionowany pan i władca tenisowego bractwa. Vamos Rafa.



#5 02-03-2009 09:12:55


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic


Bernard beat Marinko Matosevic in the final of the Melbourne Challenger 5-7 6-4 6-3.

Bernard Tomić wygrał swój 1 turniej rangi challenger. Stało się to w Melbourne - gratulujemy

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#6 10-03-2009 16:54:46



Zarejestrowany: 04-09-2008
Posty: 84



#7 10-08-2009 15:22:45


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Bernard Tomić nie zwalnia tempa. Pod koniec lipca młody Australijczyk wszedł do Top-300, dokładnie na 300 miejsce.

http://www.atpworldtour.com/Tennis/Play … Tomic.aspx
W najnowszym notowaniu rankingu ATP poprawił swoją pozycję. Teraz jest 295 (stan na dzień: 10.08.2009).

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#8 10-09-2009 13:32:27



Zarejestrowany: 28-08-2008
Posty: 1261
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Bollettieri: Tomic could do anything

Nick Bollettieri, the most famous coach in world tennis, has hailed Australian wunderkind Bernard Tomic the real deal and a potential superstar.

"I think Bernard has the ability to do just about anything," Bollettieri told AAP after watching Tomic advance to the third round of the US Open junior championship at Flushing Meadows on Thursday (AEST).

Bollettieri, who has guided no less than 10 players to the world No.1 ranking – including Andre Agassi, Jim Courier, Boris Becker, Monica Seles, Serena and Venus Williams, Martina Hingis and Maria Sharapova – has taken a special interest in Tomic who had a recent three-month stint at the coach's famed tennis academy in Florida.

The 77-year-old believes Tomic has all the qualities required to be a champion, including excellent court craft, brilliant shot-making, a strong mind, athleticism and a great work ethic.

But his ringing endorsement also came with some sage advice for the Gold Coast prodigy.

Bollettieri believes the next two years will be vital for Tomic as he makes the transition from the juniors to the professional ranks.

Bollettieri says the 16-year-old needs to make some important adjustments in order to fulfil both his own considerable potential and also live up to the hype and expectations of a nation desperate for a new tennis star.

"He's smart as hell," Bollettieri said.

"Probably smarter than most juniors, I would say. He allows you to sleep and then he can come up with the shot.

"And he's got all the shots, but he's got a lot of things that he'll have to change to be a professional.

"The next couple of years he's got to get big balls and he's got to get out there and he's got to be a little bit more aggressive, and on the second serve [get] a little bit more heat.

"But he can do it."

Bollettieri says Tomic right now reminds him of a junior Miloslav Mecir, the Slovak-born 1980s great who used cunning and guile, rather than a power game, to work his opponents around the court.

"I don't think keeping the ball in play is going to win in the pros," Bollettieri said.

"He's got the shots but, in his mind, he gets into that playing like Mecir. But Mecir's style of play today would have a tough time.

"Mecir would have to add to it, so you've got to have a little bit more.

"Bernard's got a good attitude. He has a beautiful slice, great hands – sometimes too great. He's got a good serve; without using his legs, he's got a very good serve.

"I mean, for 17, you can't ask for much better than that.

"But he's got to be a little bit more offensive.

"I believe what he has to do now is, he has to bulk up a little tiny bit and realise what it takes to be a professional. When he gets 10 or 15 more pounds up above, that's going to make a big difference too."

Bollettieri said Tomic's fighting 4-6 7-5 6-1 US Open junior victory over American Alexander Domijan was a classic example of the gifted youngster playing too tentatively.

"When you're making the transition from the juniors to the pros, the way you play here, you will not make it as a pro," he said.

"Tomic, he also has to get more into the match, make some emotion – not negatively – but put your head up a little bit and show the guys on the other side of the net who you are."

http://www.tennis.com.au/pages/News.asp … ewsid=6196



#9 06-10-2009 18:53:30



Zarejestrowany: 06-10-2009
Posty: 1266

Re: Bernard Tomic

Chłopak bardzo ładnie pokazał się na AO jestem ciekawy czy gdyby jego mecz z Mullerem dano na któryś z bocznych kortów czy by sobie czasem z nem nie poradził. Po AO grał w turniejach juniorskich w WS ale tam nie zachwycał licze na jego dobrą grę w nadchodzącym sezonie

I LOVE TENNIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



#10 07-10-2009 08:58:42


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Tomic denies problem with Hewitt

BERNARD Tomic is yet to approach Lleyton Hewitt to resolve a perceived rift between Australia's best player and his heir apparent.

The rising star, who recently won the US Open junior title to cap what has been a year of contrast, said yesterday he hoped to discuss the reasons behind snubbing an offer from Hewitt to practise together during this year's Wimbledon, claiming it was because of his poor health at the time. "The thing that happened over there was confidential. I had swine flu and I couldn't play really, so it wouldn't have been fair to expose Lleyton to the sickness I had," Tomic said.

"The doctors said I couldn't play and you can check with the doctors if you want information about that."

Despite the illness, Tomic managed to contest the junior event with success, progressing to the semi-final. It was reported this month that Tomic, rather than hitting with Hewitt, opted to practise with former Spanish world No1 Juan Carlos Ferrero before the junior event at the All England Club, an allegation the 16-year-old denied yesterday.

But at best it appears a misunderstanding, for the Hewitt camp was clearly infuriated, with manager David Drysdale claiming Tomic's agent told the dual Grand Slam winner's fitness trainer that "Lleyton's not good enough".

Ferrero's camp, on learning of the confusion, approached Hewitt to sympathise, Drysdale said, with the Spaniard's coach telling the Australian that if a junior from his country had behaved in the same manner, he would have been "strung up from a tree by his balls".

Tomic, who was the star attraction at the launch of next January's Australian Open despite his junior status, said he would attempt to clear the air with Hewitt when their paths next crossed.

"If I get the chance I would love to do so," Tomic said.

"He is an idol and an icon of Australian tennis. I love his game and it would be a pleasure to hit with him anytime, anywhere."

A rift between Australia's best senior player and future prospect is hardly ideal given the thinning senior prospects available for the Davis Cup next year.

Australia, which was forced to forfeit a tie against India this year because of security concerns, will again attempt to qualify for the world group but needs both Tomic and Hewitt, given the doubts surrounding other key players. While veteran Peter Luczak has rebuilt his ranking to a career-high 66 following an injury hit 2008, his best tennis is played on clay. Carsten Ball showed signs he could deliver on his undoubted promise during the US hardcourt season but is yet to prove his consistency.

Chris Guccione, who found form in August following a disappointing season, has another hurdle to overcome after yesterday revealing he has a small tear in his right achilles tendon. Brydan Klein, who made his debut in Thailand in March, has been suspended from the ATP Tour after racially vilifying an opponent at a tournament in England in June.

Assisting a possible mediation is Tomic's recent involvement with Davis Cup coach Todd Woodbridge. Tomic said Woodbridge was advising him on improving his skills at the net.

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/st … 61,00.html

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#11 30-12-2009 17:58:35



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Re: Bernard Tomic

Towering Tomic hopes to stop growing

While "little" Lleyton Hewitt would do anything for an extra couple of inches, towering Bernard Tomic is desperate for his growth spurt to end.

Rising teenager Tomic fears his 194-centimetre frame is still growing and dreads the thought of resembling a "basketballer" more than a tennis player.

The 17-year-old's court movement has been seen as an achilles heel with former Davis Cup captain John Newcombe among his sternest critics.

The Tomic camp recently employed renowned conditioner Yutaka Nakamura to improve on his fitness and he took three months off after winning the Junior US Open to address his weakness.

But the Gold Coaster, given the last wildcard for next week's Brisbane International, said his continued growth added another difficult factor into the equation.

"I am [still growing] unfortunately, hopefully I can stop," he said after an hour-long practice at the Queensland Tennis Centre.

"Obviously I don't want to be the height of a basketballer, I want to be a good size tennis player but I will deal with it any way."

Tomic stands a touch taller than grand slam winners Goran Ivanisevic and Marat Safin but is still four centimetres shorter than US Open champion Juan Martin Del Potro.

Hewitt is not exactly small at 180cm but is the shortest world number of the modern era and now struggles to compete with taller champions Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

According to Tennis Australia's records, Tomic was 191cm 12 months ago, not 184cm as claimed in recent reports, and was listed at 194cm in September, suggesting his growth spurt may have already stopped.

Tomic became the youngest male to win a match at the Australian Open this January and is confident of producing far more in 2010, especially with a serve approaching 200kmh.

"Last year [2009] was a totally different year, it's one year I've grown and I'm more experienced now and so if I can put that into matches when it starts it will be good," he said.

"I'm playing well now, I had a bit of time off after New York and start working with Yutaka and fitness wise I'm getting good.

"I'm getting stronger each day since I started working with Yutaka."

Like Brisbane, Tomic has been granted a wildcard to play Melbourne Park again after narrowly missing out on winning one by losing a five-set final at this month's wildcard play-offs.

"It was good fun, I had a lot of matches and I learned a lot from it," he said.

"It will give me a lot of confidence and hopefully I can put it together when [the Brisbane International] starts."

http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009 … 782962.htm



#12 02-01-2010 16:20:12


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Lleyton Hewitt: Bernard Tomic not ready

LLEYTON Hewitt says youngster Bernard Tomic is unworthy of Davis Cup selection, insisting veteran baseliner Peter Luczak is more deserving of the second singles spot.

Unimpressed by Tomic's Wimbledon practice court snub, Hewitt is bemused by speculation that 286th-ranked Tomic is in the mix to make his senior representative debut for Australia against Chinese Taipei from March 5-7.

Asked if US Open and Australian Open junior champion Tomic, 17, deserves a place in the team, Hewitt said: "Not right at the moment, no.

"He lost to Nick Lindahl and Matt Ebden in the (Australian Open) wildcard playoffs.

"These aren't world-beaters. They're solid players. They're tough grinders that have been around and played a lot of Futures and are very hard at it and work extremely hard.

"But, if you're looking at players at the moment, (Peter) Luczak has had as good a year as he's ever had. I'd definitely want him there with me."

Reminded of his own struggles at a similar age to break into the Cup team, Hewitt said: "When I was (ranked) 25, 30 in the world, I wasn't getting a look in Davis Cup to play for Australia.

"We had Pat (Rafter), Flip (Mark Philippoussis) and the Woodies (Todd Woodbridge and Mark Woodforde), the No. 1 doubles team in the world at the time and one of the greatest doubles teams of all time.

"Now there are people who think they deserve to be in Davis Cup when they are ranked 250, 300 in the world. That's the sad thing."

There is little doubt Hewitt was referring to Tomic's now familiar ambition of becoming Australia's youngest Davis Cup representative.

Tomic denies saying Hewitt was not good enough to hit with him at Wimbledon, claiming he was suffering swine flu and did not want to pass on the sickness to Hewitt.

Hewitt's camp insists Tomic sought out other senior players rather than Hewitt, overturning earlier arrangements.

Hewitt was unimpressed by Tomic's sledging of his good friend Luczak in a practice match in Chile.

Asked if he would play with Tomic on the same Davis Cup team, Hewitt said: "It's something I haven't thought about.

"Everyone knows how passionate I am about Davis Cup.

"I've only ever been around him for one tie and that was in Townsville and I didn't have much to do with him. He arrived late, he arrived a day or two after everyone else."

Hewitt said he would consider the Davis Cup captaincy after he retires.

"Maybe down the line. Obviously a lot of things would have to change within Tennis Australia. We're too good a nation to be sitting back in the qualifying zone. It's not a lot of fun playing there.

"Once you've been in four Davis Cup finals in five years and the buzz that you get from playing those ties, nothing beats that. It's an amazing feeling. To go back and play in Thailand with a handful of people watching, it's frustrating.

"One small goal that I've got is to get us back in the world group again before I do hang it up. I believe we're capable of doing it.

"You need a lot of luck and we haven't had a lot of luck. Hopefully that can change."

http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/lleyt … 5815344933

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#13 02-01-2010 16:26:42



Zarejestrowany: 28-08-2008
Posty: 1261
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Maybe if we were Aussies - Tomic

BERNARD Tomic's father, John, fears cultural differences are at the heart of tensions between Lleyton Hewitt and the Tomic camp.

Hewitt delivered a stinging critique of Tomic by declaring the teenager was unworthy of a Davis Cup berth and should not be chosen ahead of veteran baseliner Peter Luczak.

The former world No. 1's blast comes after reports Tomic refused to hit with Hewitt at Wimbledon, a claim the 17-year-old has vehemently denied.

While the Tomic camp insists there is no bad blood, John says criticism of his son could be fuelled by a lack of acceptance of their Croatian heritage.

"I think Lleyton has drunk too much wine over Christmas," John Tomic said. "To us, he's an icon, but it's up to him what he says, we can't change his mind. He can talk, that means everyone can see he has a problem, not us.

"I will say this ... Bernard is not a pure Australian. We feel like Aussies but it is up to them, will they accept us? That is up to them. Probably there is something there. If we were Aussies, there might be different talk, a different attitude."

Bernard Tomic said he had no personal issue with Hewitt and would happily meet to clear the air. He reiterated his stance that he did not hit with Hewitt at Wimbledon because he was suffering swine flu.

"Of course I'm surprised [by Hewitt's comments]," Tomic said. "But then people have their opinions and you can't stop him if that's what he thinks. There seems to be a mix up. We've had our opinions, but for me it's in the past. I was sick at the time [of Wimbledon] and couldn't perform. Hopefully nothing like this happens again between us. I want to get things straight between us."

Asked if he wanted to play Davis Cup this year, Tomic said: "Of course, ... this is a whole new year, I think the Davis Cup is great, I haven't played it and I would love to."

Tomic Snr slammed reports they sought practice with other players instead of Hewitt, revealing English officials had asked him to keep Tomic's illness quiet to quell fears over the swine flu outbreak.

"Bernard was very sick at Wimbledon, he had swine flu and he was given medication by the doctors," John Tomic said. "We were told by the officials not to say anything because it would scare people. It is not true that Bernard asked other players for a hit."

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/ … 5815514466



#14 02-01-2010 16:52:22


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Lleyton Hewitt doesn't get us, say Tomics

BERNARD Tomic's father John fears cultural differences are at the heart of tensions between Lleyton Hewitt and the Tomic camp.

Hewitt delivered a stinging critique of Tomic by declaring the teenage sensation was unworthy of a Davis Cup berth and should not be chosen ahead of veteran baseliner Peter Luczak.

The former world No.1's blast comes just months after reports Tomic refused to hit with Hewitt at Wimbledon, a claim the 17-year-old has since vehemently denied.

Bernard Tomic yesterday expressed shock at Hewitt's comments he should not be selected for the Davis Cup.

While the Tomic camp insists there is no bad blood with Hewitt, John says criticism of Bernard could be fuelled by a lack of acceptance of their Croatian heritage.

"I think Lleyton has drunk too much wine over Christmas," John Tomic said.

"To us, he's an icon but it's up to him what he says, we can't change his mind. He can talk, that means everyone can see he has a problem, not us.

"I will say this ... Bernard is not a pure Australian, we feel like Aussies but it is up to them, will they accept us? That is up to them.

"Probably there is something there. If we were Aussies, there might be different talk, a different attitude."

Speaking before his opening match at the Brisbane International, starting today, Tomic Jr said he had no personal issue with Hewitt and would happily meet to clear the air.

The boom Queenslander reiterated his stance that he did not hit with Hewitt at Wimbledon because he was suffering swine flu.

"Of course I'm surprised (by Hewitt's comments)," Tomic said. "But then people have their opinions and you can't stop him if that's what he thinks.

"There seems to be a mix-up. We've had our opinions but for me, it's in the past. I was sick at the time (of Wimbledon) and couldn't perform. Hopefully nothing like this happens again between us.

"I want to get things straight between us."

Asked if he wanted to play Davis Cup this year, Tomic said: "Of course, I've had a few good results last year to back it up. This is a whole new year. I think the Davis Cup is great. I haven't played it and I would love to."

Tomic Sr slammed reports they sought practice with other players instead of Hewitt at Wimbledon, revealing English officials had asked him to keep Tomic's illness quiet to quell fears over the swine flu outbreak.

"Bernard was very sick at Wimbledon. He had swine flu and he was given medication by the doctors," he said.

"We were told by the officials not to say anything because it would scare people.

"It is not true that Bernard asked other players for a hit. We think Lleyton is an icon, we love his achievements.

"We can shake hands from my side any time."

http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/stor … 89,00.html

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#15 02-01-2010 23:39:11


Come on Andy !

Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 5229
Ulubiony zawodnik: Andy Roddick

Re: Bernard Tomic

Newk doubts Tomic's class

AUSTRALIAN great John Newcombe believes 2010 could make or break the burgeoning career of Bernard Tomic.

Tomic is widely considered the most likely successor to Lleyton Hewitt as Australia's next world-class player, but Newcombe has reservations about whether the young Queenslander has what it takes to reach the top.

"I think he's got a long way to go," the seven-time grand slam winner said.

"He's done well in the junior ranks and has got a couple of minor results in the seniors, but there is nothing yet to indicate that he will become a top-20 player.

"It's a very important year for Bernard, because if he doesn't make the advances and with the hype about him being so great it could end badly.

"His agents have done a lot of deals for him and if he doesn't break into the top 100, you have to think maybe he doesn't have it."

Having won both the US Open and Australian Open junior titles, the 17-year-old has made steady but unspectacular progress on the senior tour.

And despite his tender years, Tomic has seen a number of coaches come and go from his camp. His father, John, is heavily involved in developing his career.

Last year, Tennis Australia officials censured Tomic senior following an outburst over alleged unfair treatment of his son.

And he was forced to apologise after pulling his son from a court in Perth mid-match and then alleging officials had a vendetta against him.

A row with Hewitt followed after Tomic allegedly rebuffed an offer to practise with the former world No 1 at Wimbledon.

Former Davis Cup captain Newcombe said he was disappointed at the bust-up between the pair and indicated Tomic needed to reassess what he was doing if he was to progress.

"It was one of those ridiculous things that should never have happened. I have only heard one side of the story and that was from Lleyton," Newcombe said.

"Something is not working. I think Tennis Australia provided five or six coaches over an 18-month period and they all left.

"The kid has a lot of talent, but I don't think he is as far advanced as he should be. There are a number of areas of his game that have holes and are not going to withstand the pressures out there in the major leagues."

Newcombe said Tomic's camp should look at the progress made by Andy Murray to see what needs to be achieved before targeting success in the seniors.

"Murray was never going to get where he is today by not getting fit," Newcombe said.

"I think on the athletic side he (Tomic) needs a lot of work. His game plan and the way he plays is not going to work up there in the major leagues either, as he plays from well behind the baseline."

Newcombe believes this would have been pointed out to Tomic, but may have fallen on deaf ears.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. There has to be a reason why all those coaches have departed."

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/sp … 5813666474

'03.07.2011 - Tennis Died' [*]



#16 04-01-2010 17:38:09



Zarejestrowany: 28-08-2008
Posty: 1261
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Tomic hopes to mend ties with Hewitt

Rising young gun Bernard Tomic wants to meet with his former idol Lleyton Hewitt to shake hands and end the potentially damaging rift between them.

Tomic was disappointed Hewitt took a shot at him over his enthusiasm to partner Hewitt in Australia's Davis Cup team this year.

Hewitt said Victorian Peter Luczak, ranked No.77 in the world, was far more deserving of selection than the US Open Junior champion whose ATP ranking is currently languishing in the 200s.

Hewitt told News Limited he was forced to bide his time for Davis Cup selection when the likes of Pat rafter and Mark Philippoussis were at the top of their game.

"Now there are people who think they deserve to be in the Davis Cup when they are ranked 250, 300 in the world," Hewitt said in an obvious reference to Tomic's desire to be the nation's youngest in the men's team's tennis competition.

Tomic, 17, believes the friction stems from mis-communication at Wimbledon last year when Hewitt's camp believed the youngster dumped him from a proposed practice session.

Preparing for a first round match against a qualifier at the Brisbane International, Tomic denied he had a problem with Hewitt and felt there shouldn't be a rift between them.

"Not at all, I totally respect him and he's been an idol of mine and has always been since I started," he told AAP on Saturday.

"What's happened, a lot of it has been untrue and it's all in the past and hopefully we can work it out between each other.

"If he's ready to shake hands, I'm ready.

"I didn't play that many tournaments last year and I'll play more tournaments this year but ... Luczak had a great year and he's gone from the 200s to top 100."

An Australian Open wildcard, Tomic predicted his ranking would improve greatly in 2010 as he plans to play far more senior tournaments and believes he should be contending for Davis Cup selection by virtue of his results.

"I just want to be considered with the results I've had and I've had some great results but I guess I haven't played a lot of senior tournaments."

http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-sp … -lmg9.html



#17 09-01-2010 12:36:52


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Bernard Tomic

Tomic: I don't deserve cup spot

AUSTRALIA'S top youngster, Bernard Tomic, yesterday insisted he did not think he had the track record to deserve Davis Cup selection.

And the nature of his Brisbane International exit should stifle the debate for several months.

Teenager Tomic remains a gifted long-term project for Australian tennis but his 6-4, 6-4 loss to Ukrainian qualifier Oleksandr Dolgopolov Jr, ranked No. 131, would have appeared to curious spectators out on Court Two at Tennyson as a case of much ado about nothing.

The 17-year-old, ranked No. 285, was outclassed by a big-serving opponent in his first match since his Davis Cup selection claims were dismissed by Australian No. 1 Lleyton Hewitt.

Tomic's father and coach, John, disclosed later that the US Open junior champion felt fatigued yesterday from recent fitness training and was expected to play better at the Australian Open, starting on Monday week.

But Tomic admitted his senior results did not warrant Davis Cup selection.

"I've had great wins on the men's circuit, but I've had some bad ones too. I'll see after the Open," he said.

And when asked if the row between Hewitt and his father had been a distraction, Tomic said it had.

After the player's media conference, John Tomic intervened to terminate a pre-arranged interview his son had just started with a female magazine journalist, an unfortunate image when it was captured by TV cameras.

John Tomic said his son and his management company had a policy of no one-on-one interviews.

John Tomic said: "We have a policy that he just talks . . . only in conferences where every journalist can come.

"Something was wrong with his body today. It's not an injury – he was tired. His new fitness guy is working him. Two or three days ago he was very good but today something was wrong with him."

http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/stor … 89,00.html

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#18 12-01-2010 13:58:21



Zarejestrowany: 19-01-2009
Posty: 762
Ulubiony zawodnik: Tomic-Roddick

Re: Bernard Tomic

Tomic aims for top 150 after Ginepri win

Australian young gun Bernard Tomic's Australian Open preparation is off to a flying start after he beat former world No.15 Robby Ginepri at the World Tennis Challenge in Adelaide.

The 17-year-old Tomic and former US Open quarter-finalist Ginepri fought a close match but the Aussie was too good, winning the first set in a tie break 7-4 before taking out the second set 6-4.

Last year Tomic made it to the second round at Melbourne Park and he is hoping to go further in 2010.

Ginepri is a handy scalp for Tomic to take in his budding career, with the American the winner of three ATP titles.

"I'd definitely like to do better than I did last year," Tomic told AAP.

"I played well, I knew what I had to do against him.

Ginepri said Tomic was a player to watch, but was keen to play down the significance of the loss in the exhibition event.

"It's an exhibition, so I don't know how much people consider a win in these things - they take it with a grain of salt probably," he said.

"But any time you get a win it's a good thing and I'm sure he's been working hard.

"He's definitely a young talent and he's going to be someone who I'm going to keep my eye out for."

Currently ranked No.291, Tomic has his sights set on climbing by about 100 spots by the end of the year.

"If I don't do well now in the Open I could end up back in the five or six hundreds but if I do well we'll see," he said.

"I'm aiming for the top 150 ... I know I can do it, it's just a matter of me staying healthy during the year.

"I know I can beat these guys, it's just a matter of how good I can be on the day."

http://news.brisbanetimes.com.au/breaki … -m4tj.html



#19 13-01-2010 14:21:07



Zarejestrowany: 19-01-2009
Posty: 762
Ulubiony zawodnik: Tomic-Roddick

Re: Bernard Tomic

Bernard Tomic knocks over Radek Stepanek in World Tennis Challenge

Australian tyro Bernie Tomic notched another impressive win at the World Tennis Challenge on Wednesday night, defeating world No.13 Radek Stepanek at Memorial Drive.

Tomic claimed the plaudits 6-3 2-6 then 10-4 in the super tiebreak.

"I'm happy with my confidence and I can't wait to get to Melbourne (for the Australian Open)," Tomic said after the match.

His success followed a straight sets result over American Robby Ginepri on opening night but this performance was arguably superior, against a player who has spent the last five years entrenched inside the world's top 30 and often the top 15.

Stepanek was glowing in his praise of Tomic, who at the age of 17 carries so much expectation in Australian tennis circles following years of stunted junior development.

"He's a guy who reads the game pretty well, returning well," Stepanek said.

"I think his second serve is going to be his weaker point, but he's in a good way, he's 17 and he has his future in front of him.

"From both sides he's playing very flat, not too much spin on the ball so it's pretty difficult for the other guys on the other side I think to play every ball pretty low and that's where he's taking his chances."

Making a solid start on serve, Tomic broke Stepanek for 4-2 then went on to clinch the opening set without a hiccup.

He fell behind in the second set as Stepanek lifted his game and it was not long before the pair were locked at a set apiece, forcing the super tiebreak.
Raising his levels appreciably, Tomic kicked out to an early lead and closed it out to the delight of a sell-out crowd.

http://www.foxsports.com.au/story/0,207 … public_rss



#20 16-01-2010 14:30:30



Zarejestrowany: 19-01-2009
Posty: 762
Ulubiony zawodnik: Tomic-Roddick

Re: Bernard Tomic

Tomic upsets Djokovic

Rising Australian tennis star Bernard Tomic has upset world No. 3 Novak Djokovic 6-4 3-6 7-5 at the Kooyong Classic on Saturday.

Tomic downed his Serbian opponent in an exhibition match that proceeded Saturday's Classic final between Spain's Fernando Verdasco and Frenchman Jo-Wilfred Tsonga.

While it was hardly a high-pressure match, the surprise win will surely provide the perfect confidence-builder before the 17-year-old's Australian Open tilt to begin next week.

Tomic has already cemented himself as somewhat of a giant-killer already in his burgeoning career, after he defeated world No.13 Radek Stepanek and world No.15 Gilles Simon at the World Tennis Challenge.

http://sportal.com.au/tennis-news-displ … ovic-84227



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