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#1 03-02-2010 19:39:58



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Dustin Brown



Urodzony: 08.12.1984
Miejsce urodzenia: Celle, Niemcy
Miejsce zamieszkania: Winsen / Aller, Niemcy
Wzrost: 196 cm
Waga: 78 kg
Zawodnik praworęczny
Strona internetowa: www.dustinbrown.de.tl

W roku 2009 wygrał Challenger w Smarkandzie, był w 4 finałach imprez z tego cylku oraz wygrał 1 futures i był w finałach 2 innych imprez z tego cyklu.



#2 03-02-2010 19:44:52



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

Dustin Obecnie (w związku z brakiem Frankiego) mój ulubieniec. Dziś w drugiej rundzie ATP w Johannesburgu pokonał Recouderca i osiągnął swój pierwszy ćwierćfinał na tym szczeblu. inna sprawa,że jest to impreza śmiesznie słaba- ale właśnie w takich turniejach trzeba zbierać doświadczenie i punkty.

Moim zdaniem Jamajczyk będzie w Top100 jeszcze w tym roku. Trochę radosnego tenisa zawsze się przyda.

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#3 03-02-2010 19:53:37



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Re: Dustin Brown

Statystyczny napisał:

Moim zdaniem Jamajczyk będzie w Top100 jeszcze w tym roku. Trochę radosnego tenisa zawsze się przyda.

Za ćwierćfinał w Johannesburgu zdobył więcej punktów, niż w tamtym roku do końca maja. Jeśli występ w RPA zakończy na 1/4, awansuje w okolice 132 miejsca, a stamtąd droga to Top 100 już niedaleka, bo brakuje 100 pkt.. Tym bardziej, że jak już wcześniej wspomniałem, praktycznie nic nie broni do końca maja.



#4 03-02-2010 19:58:16



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

A ty go lubisz, Jaccolu?

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#5 03-02-2010 20:03:53



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Re: Dustin Brown

W życiu go na oczy nie widziałem.
Zakładając wątek przypatrzyłem się, jak mu się wiodło w tamtym sezonie. Mam nadzieję obejrzeć jego 'wyczyny' w Johannesburgu.
Tak, wiem, że odpowiedź Cię zawiodła.



#6 03-02-2010 20:16:21



Zarejestrowany: 03-09-2008
Posty: 1683
Ulubiony zawodnik: Novak Djokovic

Re: Dustin Brown

Nie wiem jaki jest sens zakładania wątków takich graczy, jeśli nawet zawodnicy będący dość wysoko w 100 nie mają tu swojego profilu



#7 03-02-2010 20:23:51


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Dustin Brown

A dlaczego nie? Jak jest zainteresowanie to nie widzę przeciwwskazań. Tematyka tego forum wręcz coś takiego wymusza.

A kolega Dustin ma ostry start, jak na ilość wpisów w Jego temacie po 2 (?) godzinach od Jego założenia.

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#8 03-02-2010 20:24:15



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

To ciekawy zawodnik, osoby wyróżniające się powinny mieć swoje profile.

Ps. Jaccolu-własnie takiej odpowiedzi się spodziewałem

  tu www.tennislive.tv   można znaleźć mecz Dustina. Wchodzimy w zakładkę "6.WV Challenger" i po prawej stronie zjeżdzamy suwakiem do meczu Galvani-Brown.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Statystyczny (03-02-2010 20:31:32)

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#9 03-02-2010 21:56:42


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Dustin Brown

Brown's Cool Run In Johannesburg

As the highest-ranked player to ever emerge from Jamaica, 6’ 5” serve and volleyer Dustin Brown could feel entitled to a little more recognition in his sports-loving homeland. But in a country most famous for being home to the world’s fastest man, Brown accepts that, for now at least, he will fly below the radar.

“Five months ago I’d go to Jamaica and go through customs and it would be a hassle getting into my own country even though I am the No. 1 tennis player from the country,” he said. “If Usain Bolt comes, of course he’s a lot bigger than me, he probably doesn’t have to go through customs at all. Now that my ranking has gone to 140, 150 I have been getting a little more media attention in Jamaica; I have been on the TV once or twice on the news.”

Playing just his second tour-level event at this week’s SA Tennis Open in Johannesburg, 25-year-old Brown is one match win away from becoming the first player representing Jamaica to reach a semi-final of an ATP World Tour event. Doug Burke, whose best South African Airways ATP Ranking was No. 175, is the only other Jamaican player to reach a tour-level quarter-final, which he did at Wellington in 1989.

Tall, wiry and sporting dreadlocks, World No. 141 Brown commands attention on the court with his athletic, serve and volley game. And, ironically, the boy from the beach is making his breakout in Johannesburg at elevation, where his big serve pierces the rarefied air. Asked about his speed – a Jamaican trait – Brown replied: “Short distances from the net to the baseline I’m fine, but I don’t know if I would be doing 100m sprints against Usain. That wouldn’t look too good.”

Brown was born in Celle, Germany in 1984 to his Jamaican father Leroy and his German mother Inge and lived in the country until 1996, when he moved to Jamaica. After finishing high school Brown played Futures in Jamaica until 2004, when he moved back to Europe, driving himself to Futures and Challengers in a camper van bought for him by his parents. Brown said that his eight years in Jamaica had a significant impact on his personal and professional development.

“It was good to see a harder side of life. In Germany as a 10 or 11 year old you have a computer, a Gameboy, but in Jamaica…. It was good for me personally, mentally and also for my game to get a little tougher and not to whine about everything, which you tend to do if you get pampered all the time. In Jamaica there was not a lot of pampering.”

Before this week Brown’s lone main-draw ATP World Tour appearance came at Newport in July 2003, when he lost in three sets to five-time ATP World Tour Doubles Champion Bob Bryan.

Last year Brown broke through on the ATP Challenger circuit to compile a 29-16 match record, winning his first title at Samarkand, Uzbekistan in August while reaching four other finals -- Karlsruhe, Germany (as a qualifier), Almaty, Kazakhstan, and back-to-back events in November in Eckental and Aachen, Germany.

One year ago he was playing the Spain #4 Futures event (at which he reached the quarter-finals) and he was ranked No. 465. He finished last season a year-end best No. 144 in the South African Airways  ATP Rankings.

In Friday's quarter-finals, Brown will meet eighth-seeded Frenchman Stephane Robert.

http://www.atpworldtour.com/News/Tennis … ature.aspx

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#10 03-02-2010 22:19:35



Zarejestrowany: 12-12-2009
Posty: 572
Ulubiony zawodnik: Rafael Nadal

Re: Dustin Brown

Dopiero pod koniec zeszłego sezonu dal sie poznac szerszej publice a lat juz troche ma, no podobnie jak Łukasz Kubot, pierwsza setka na pewno niedlugo.
Powodzenia, na pewno da duzo kolorytu ATP;D



#11 03-02-2010 23:28:20



Zarejestrowany: 06-10-2009
Posty: 1266

Re: Dustin Brown

Heh Dustin widziałem go w tamtym roku w jakimś challengerze i nie ukrywam od razu polubiłem, jak już napisano prezentuję radosny tenis i bardzo chciałbym, aby wszedł do TOP100, zapamiętałem go tez ze specyficznego serwisu, takiego z "krótkiej ręki", coś a'la Roddick

I LOVE TENNIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



#12 04-02-2010 09:06:55



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

Moim skromnym zdaniem może dojść na Wimblu do około trzeciej rundy.

W ćwierćfinale Johannesburga Mr.Dread zagra z niezłym Francuzem, Stephane Robertem.

Trzymam kciuki

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#13 15-02-2010 10:57:24


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Dustin Brown

W dzisiejszym notowaniu rankingu ATP Entry Dustin odnotował swój najwyższy ranking w karierze. Jest 131.

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#14 15-02-2010 14:39:44



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

i tak dalej.

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#15 01-03-2010 12:22:48


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Dustin Brown

01.03.2010 - Dustin znowu w górę, dziś jest notowany na 124 miejscu w rankingu Entry.

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#16 11-04-2010 08:13:25



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

W tym tygodniu Dustin gra w Johannesburgu. Jest rozstawiony z piątką, ale w pierwszej rundzie trafił na niegdyś niezłego Czecha Ivo Minarza. W jego ćwiartce jest też turniejowa jedynka, Łukasz Lacko ze Słowacji.

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#17 18-04-2010 08:11:17



Zarejestrowany: 19-01-2009
Posty: 762
Ulubiony zawodnik: Tomic-Roddick

Re: Dustin Brown

#2 ATP Challenger - Johannesburg

R1  Jan Minar (CZE) 6-2 6-1
R2  (q)Noam Okun (ISR) 6-7(4) 7-5 6-4
QF  Raemon Sluiter (NED) 6-4 7-6(8)
SF  (6)Stephane Bohli (SUI) 7-6(3) 6-3
F    Izak van der Merwe (RSA) 7-6(2) 6-3




#18 19-04-2010 14:16:06



Zarejestrowany: 07-09-2008
Posty: 582
Ulubiony zawodnik: Frank Dancevic

Re: Dustin Brown

Wielkie, wielkie brawa. Pierwsza setka już niebawem będzie na wyciągnięcie ręki.

Frank Dancevic---------Stefan Koubek---------Grigor Dimitrov-------Dustin Brown------Jo- Wilfried Tsonga-----Łukasz Kubot----- Michał Przysiężny------Horacio Zeballos

http://dropszot.blogspot.com - zapraszam na świetnego bloga poświęconego niższym szczeblom męskich rozgrywek tenisowych.
Blog został zawieszony na nieokreślony okres czasu.



#19 21-06-2010 17:23:40


Ojciec Chrzestny

Skąd: Białystok
Zarejestrowany: 15-08-2008
Posty: 13296
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Dustin Brown

Wywiad z Dustinem Brownem po porażce w 1 rundzie Wimbledonu 2010.

Q. Well played. Even though you lost, you still managed to entertain the fans out there.

DUSTIN BROWN: Yeah, I realize that. I mean, Jurgen is a great player. I saw his French Open performance, so that was probably not the best draw you could have gotten here. He's is a very good returner.

Just need to play more often against these guys at these events and have these matches, and just also stay focused with my head. You know, once in a while the guy played well, returned well; and then if he's returning well and I'm giving him, in some games where I got broken, you know, one or two easy volleys which I should put away, and I start messing around. Of course I'm gonna get broken, and that's exactly what happened.

Still, I'm very happy with the way I played. I think I definitely gave him a good match. And, yeah.

Q. He seemed to have trouble reading you. Do you actually make up your decision what shot you're gonna play very far in front of...

DUSTIN BROWN: Well, as far ahead as you can. I mean, if the ball comes, then I know what I'm gonna do. Or I switch it last minute. It always depends.
But normally I pretty much have a good idea of what I'm gonna do.

Q. Because some of shots are unorthodox.

DUSTIN BROWN: For other people, yes; for me, no.

Q. Where did you develop the forehand slice? You don't see that too often.

DUSTIN BROWN: Just a coach, Kim Wittenberg, who I always of working with. An American guy. He always told me, especially when I'm playing on fast surface, you know, I'm always trying to go into the net.

So especially on these surfaces, the forehand slice doesn't come you up. So it's even a lot easier hitting that than the topspin ball, because the ball is gonna jump up higher, especially against the guy who pass really well. It helps a lot.

Q. What was the experience like in the days leading up to it?

DUSTIN BROWN: Definitely nice. Nice to be at the tournament. I have my best friend here, my mom, my aunt. It's just been great. I'm gonna stick around for a couple more days, practice, and then head back to Germany.

Q. It's obviously been mentioned about potentially Davis Cup. You haven't played for any country yet, have you?

DUSTIN BROWN: Played for Jamaica in 2002, but I'm pretty sure the cooling off period is 36 months, so I haven't been playing Davis Cup lately at all.

Yeah, that's one of the questions that's been coming very often lately. But I would say that something has to happen from the LTA. If they're interested, then they have to step towards me. Because just changing my nationality now and getting a British passport is not gonna solve the problem.

So have to definitely have an approach from them and then have a sit down.

Q. Grandparent?

DUSTIN BROWN: Yeah, on my dad's side.

Q. Are you very disillusioned by the attitude of the Jamaican Tennis Authority?

DUSTIN BROWN: Um, basically saying the same thing over and over again. They're not doing their job. Everybody knows it. Now everybody knows it because I actually start playing in these events.

So I'm just basically repeating myself. They're not doing their job and it's terrible.

Q. And they have never given you any funds?

DUSTIN BROWN: No funds, no coaching, no help. Doesn't really help getting an email two days ago telling me, Congratulations for your wildcard for Wimbledon.
I've basically worked really hard and been struggling through and fighting with my parents and everything and I get in in a direct entry, don't have to go through qualifying, it's my second Grand Slam only ‑ the first one was Australian Open ‑ and then you get an email like that from the president, it's like, What are you guys doing at work? Sitting down doing nothing. If the president doesn't know what the No. 1 player is doing, he doesn't care.

Q. Obviously we go back to that Cool Runnings and the bobsled team and everything. Are there a lot of sports in Jamaica where is seems as though you're fighting against what's there instead of with?

DUSTIN BROWN: I don't know, because I don't do any other sports in Jamaica. I play tennis. I've definitely come a cross my struggles and troubles over the years. Now you see Usain Bolt. He's getting along fine with them, I guess. I mean, he's a world record holder, fastest man alive, so I guess they're getting along fine.

I don't know. There's nothing ‑‑ anything I can comment on that.

Q. If the Jamaica Federation fixed their attitude towards you and other players, would you play Davis Cup for them, or would you still look to...

DUSTIN BROWN: Well, definitely a lot of things have to change. It's not only about me. You know, I mean, I could care less and say, Okay, I'll just take my stuff, and when I'm done, then it's done. But then why let them get their way?

At the end of time of I'm done playing, maybe the most talented player will be born in 20 years in Jamaica and won't stand a chance because of their system. So that's actually why I'm ‑‑ the only reason or way you can change a system is when you are doing well and people are listening.

I guess it's these tournaments which I'm gonna be playing more in the next couple months and hopefully also years. So all I can say, is if the questions are gonna be asked, I'm definitely gonna answer the questions and say that they're not doing their job.

Q. So if you did get an approach from Britain, you would change but with reluctance, I guess?

DUSTIN BROWN: It always depends. I've played for Jamaica all my life. I'm actually pretty happy to play with Jamaica. Also to be happy which will also kind of like be a thing for Britain, to be one of the only players or to be the No. 1 player.

Because I could play for Germany also because my mom is German; I am German. But in Germany I am No. 13, a Germany has a lot of good players. So Jamaica doesn't have a lot of good players. I'm the only one right now. So it's actually very nice.

And going to a tournament and you see the Jamaican flag, okay, it's there for me and not for another 20 guys. So that's definitely a nice thing.

It's all options. If the LTA would step toward me and definitely offer me things that would help me improve my game and everything just around my game and definitely make my tennis better, then obviously that's one of the things I would have to look at.

Not because I don't want to play for Jamaica anymore. I just have to try to further my career. Anything that would help me definitely is worth listening to and looking at.

Q. 25 is a relatively late age to be making a breakthrough. Why would you say it's taken this time?

DUSTIN BROWN: That's also one of the main things. I don't come from a tennis family, so everything we've gone through, basically, you know, by trial and error. Do you do that? Do you do that? And then you do something and it's like, Okay, it's working, so that's good.

Basically that's it. Not having your own coach over the years. This is actually the first time that I've traveled that I've had now my best friend as my coach here and my mom and my aunt for support.

Normally it's just, you know, the other guys that you know from the tournaments. They will come over and watch your matches, you'll watch their matches. So you have your friends on the tour that will support you, and you support them.

And then on the other side, better now than never.

Q. Did you play many other sports as a kid?

DUSTIN BROWN: When I was young I was actually growing up doing everything because I was a very hyperactive kid. I did football, soccer, judo, swimming, tennis, and actually sometimes even more than one thing in a day. I'd go from judo to swimming and then from swimming to tennis practice.

So I'll go home and then I'll be tired and my parents are like, Okay, now he's going to sleep. Good thing.

Q. Were you better at one or the other?

DUSTIN BROWN: The last things I was doing was basically tennis and football. Then it was basically my parents said, Okay if you want to be really good at one thing you have to make a decision.

I went with tennis because also it's a singles sport and you're responsible for your own good. You could be the best player on the team on one particular day and still lose. Just probably also a little better at tennis than soccer, so that's just what I stuck with.

Q. How old were you when you started playing and how did you get into tennis?

DUSTIN BROWN: I start playing when I was five. We lived knew a tennis court and Germany, and the coach there was actually a Jamaican who was a friend of the family. So I would pass the courts, saw the courts. Sooner or later I said, you know, I want to do this. When I was five, I started playing.

Q. Were you immediately quite good, or did it take a while?

DUSTIN BROWN: Um, when I was playing juniors in Germany I would have days when I would, for example, play against a top junior in my age group where I would do really well or beat them or almost beat them, and then the next day I would play against a kid who basically couldn't hold a racquet and I would lose.

So it was always a little back and forth just focusing and doing the things I was doing. When was young I was playing serve and volley or hitting the dropshots. If you're playing mini tennis and hitting dropshots, it's not good. The guy is two meters away. (Laughing.)

So I guess I'm just building my game all the way up to now. It took a long time, but now, as I said, I won a set today against Melzer. Last year around this time I was playing a Futures in Germany. So it's definitely a far step.

When I played ‑‑ when I saw him play at the French Open he went to the semis. So if someone said, Dustin, you're gonna go to Wimbledon and you're gonna lose in four sets against him, that's okay for me. The guy is a good guy.

Of course I would have loved to win the match, but for today I did my best, and I'm happy with the end result.

Q. Can I ask you about your superstitious. You like the same ball back.

DUSTIN BROWN: I like the same ball, but it's also a thing that I've gotten in the habit of over the years not in rush myself. So if I go back and go for the ball again and wait until I get the ball back, I won't be rushing myself.

A lot of times if I got nervous then I'll be starting to rush myself on the serve back. So if I always wait until the same ball comes back I give myself time.

Q. You also seem to, if you've played a bad shot with a ball, then you get it and put it in your pocket for the remainder of the game.

DUSTIN BROWN: No, actually most of the time I always have a ball in the pocket. I don't know why that is, but I just got used to it. Doesn't really make a difference what ball it is. Just a ball in the pocket.

Q. Do you have any actual superstitions, like don't tread on the lines?

DUSTIN BROWN: No, nothing like that. The game is hard enough as it is. I don't want to make myself any more...

Q. Not during the points.

DUSTIN BROWN: Of course. But, no, I mean, none of that stuff.

Q. What about from here on? The rest of year, what are you looking to achieve?

DUSTIN BROWN: Well, definitely establish myself well inside the top hundred so I will be in the main draw in the Masters Series events and the Grand Slams and in the tour event.

And then over time, hopefully play these matches more often and then start winning rounds at these events and getting further and further. Just have to keep going. It's been an unbelievable year for me.

My goal at the beginning of the year was to be top hundred and to be in the main draw at Wimbledon. It worked out great. I mean, compared to Indian Wells and Miami, where I also played this year, I played terrible. I think I made four games in both tournaments.

So this tournament at this level definitely was a better tournament. Even though I lost it Jurgen, I'm happy with my result.

Q. Where do go from here next?

DUSTIN BROWN: Probably spend a couple more days in London. Practice here. Haven't seen my best friend that often. Also spend time with my family.
Then go back to Germany for a Challenger on clay, then I go back to the States for Newport, and then come back to German for Stuttgart for ATP.

Q. So clay, grass, clay?

DUSTIN BROWN: Yeah, that's what the schedule looks like right now. I mean, not any different. I practice on grass now, on grass or on fast surfaces. Earlier in the year I had a schedule where I was playing clay/hardcourts. On the clay court of course I'm gonna stay back and play from there; but as soon as I go on a faster surface I'm gonna come in.

So it's gonna take couple hours of practice, and then I'll have it back in the system. Should be fine.

Q. Will you play that forehand slice on the clay court as well?

DUSTIN BROWN: Often, but definitely more suitable for the grass or for the faster hardcourts.

Q. Is there something about you that's typical German?

DUSTIN BROWN: I'm always actually on time, and I hate people that are late. It's just a thing that I've always‑‑ the clock on my phone is always ten minutes ahead so I don't get anywhere late.

Q. That's it?

DUSTIN BROWN: Basically, yeah. And the way I look. (Laughter.)

Q. Is it true that the Jamaican tennis president congratulates you for the wildcard in Wimbledon?

DUSTIN BROWN: Yeah, we just said that a few moments ago. Two days ago I got an email. Just sitting there in the bed and it's like, Oh, what are these guys doing?
Basically just saying, Congratulations for achieving the wildcard at Wimbledon.

Q. What's his name?

DUSTIN BROWN: Phillip Gore.

http://www.wimbledon.org/en_GB/news/int … 85425.html

MTT - tytuły (9)
2011: Belgrad, TMS Miami, San Jose; 2010: Wiedeń, Rotterdam; 2009: TMS Szanghaj, Eastbourne; 2008: US OPEN, Estoril.
MTT - finały (8)
2011: TMS Rzym; 2010: Basel, Marsylia; 2009: WTF, Stuttgart, Wimbledon, TMS Madryt; 2008: WTF



#20 21-06-2010 22:36:57



Zarejestrowany: 28-08-2008
Posty: 1261
Ulubiony zawodnik: Roger Federer

Re: Dustin Brown

Dustin Brown, czyli Jamajka, dredy i kolorowe sznurówki

Dustin Brown jako pierwszy Jamajczyk od 40 lat zagrał w turnieju głównym na trawiastych kortach Wimbledonu. Na razie zaintrygował dredami i kolorowymi sznurówkami w butach, ale już niedługo może występować w brytyjskiej kadrze w Pucharze Davisa u boku samego Andy'ego Murray'a.

Mało kto z widzów przybyłych na pierwszy dzień zmagań podczas Wimbledonu dostrzegł pierwsze od 24 lat.  zwycięstwo Polaka. Z pewnością więcej osób zwróciło uwagę na pierwszy od 40 lat występ reprezentanta Jamajki. I nic dziwnego, bo 25-letniego Dustina Browna trudno przeoczyć.

Dredy i kolorowe sznurówki

Brown miał pecha, bo w losowaniu trafił na rozstawionego z szesnastką Jurgena Melzera. Austriak dopiero co osiągnął życiowy sukces, dochodząc do półfinału turnieju na kortach Rolanda Garrosa. Jamajczyka pokonał raczej łatwo, w czterech setach 6:3, 4:6, 6:2, 6:3.

Brown, syn Niemki i Jamajczyka, warunki do tenisa ma świetne: do dwóch metrów brakuje mu ledwie czterech centymetrów. Wzrost jednak nie załatwia wszystkiego - obok 17 asów serwisowych Brown miał aż 28 niewymuszonych błędów przy dwunastu rywala. Melzer górował nad Jamajczykiem techniką i konsekwencją.

Na korcie Brown zwraca uwagę nie tylko wzrostem. Nosi długie dredy, których nie powstydziłby się żaden muzyk reggae. Zainteresowanie wzbudziły też jego sznurówki: jedna w kolorze pomarańczowym a druga limonowa oraz żółte opaski na rękach. W ostatnim bastionie tenisowej tradycji, jakim jest Wimbledon, to rzadko spotykana ekstrawagancja. Browna wyróżniała grupa żywiołowych fanów powiewająca wielkim banerem z napisem "Dustin wygrywa!".

Wielki skok w jeden rok

Brown nie bierze udziału w Wimbledonie dzięki dzikiej karcie od organizatorów - sam się do niego zakwalifikował.

Równo przed rokiem, w czerwcu, Brown znajdował się w okolicach 370. miejsca w rankingu ATP i nie mógł pomarzyć o grze choćby w kwalifikacjach prestiżowego turnieju. Zamiast tego grał w futuresach o puli nagród wynoszącej 10 tysięcy dolarów, w niemieckich Furth i Oberstaufen.

Zbierał punkt do punktu i systematycznie piął się w górę. Wygrał challengery w Johannesburgu i kazachskiej Samarkandzie, w kilku innych dochodził do finałów. Krok po kroku, przyjmując taktykę podobną do Michała Przysiężnego, doszedł do pierwszej setki rankingu ATP. 17 maja tego roku awansował na 99. pozycję, najwyższą w karierze. Obecnie sklasyfikowany jest trzy miejsca niżej.

Jamajczyk u boku Murray'a?

Przykład Browna pokazuje, że nie jest łatwo być tenisistą z Jamajki. - Nie dostaję z Federacji żadnych funduszy, szkolenia, jakiejkolwiek pomocy. Nie można nazwać wsparciem maila, którego dostałem dwa dni temu, z gratulacjami za otrzymanie dzikiej karty w Wimbledonie - skarży się Brown, który, powtórzmy, dzikiej karty nie dostał, bo jej nie potrzebował. - Nie wykonują swojej pracy i wszyscy to wiedzą - zarzuca rodzimym działaczom i myśli o startach w barwach Wielkiej Brytanii! Zaczął już nawet przeglądać rodowód ojca, by znaleźć korzenie, umożliwiające mu ubieganie się o obywatelstwo. - Czekam na ruch ze strony brytyjskiej federacji. Jeśli są zainteresowani, muszą zrobić krok w moim kierunku - tłumaczył Brown zainteresowanym dziennikarzom.

Sprawa nie jest wcale tak anegdotyczna jak się w pierwszym momencie wydaje. Na Wyspach od lat zmagają się z poważnym tenisowym kryzysem. Andy Murray jest czwartym zawodnikiem świata, ale kolejny reprezentant Wielkiej Brytanii, Alex Bogdanovic, jest dopiero 172., równo siedemdziesiąt pozycji za Brownem.

Czy już niedługo Jamajczyk będzie drugą rakietą Zjednoczonego Królestwa w Davis Cupowej reprezentacji? Wkrótce się przekonamy. Sam Brown nie przejmuje się przegraną z Melzerem. - Do zobaczenia w przyszłym roku, kolego - rzucił mu ktoś z trybun po meczu, na co gracz odpowiedział promiennym, karaibskim uśmiechem.

http://www.sport.pl/tenis/1,96961,80455 … orowe.html



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