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#21 21-11-2010 19:13:41



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Re: Carlos Moya


http://www.atpworldtour.com/~/media/DD2718F4C6E548449F39AA4060F9CFCE.ashx Former World No. 1 Carlos Moya took part in an emotional retirement ceremony on Sunday, alongside every player competing at the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals and a selection of former ATP World Tour stars.

Earlier this week, the 34-year-old Spaniard ended a 15-year professional career that included 20 titles, including 1998 Roland Garros. He had been suffering from a long-term foot injury.

“It was not easy,” admitted Moya, on his decision to retire. “But it didn't happen overnight.  [Tennis] is a sport I love. It is what I've been doing since I was six years old. And it’s not easy to leave the love of your life. I have no regrets about anything because I try my best.”

Nadal, who first met Moya when he was 11 years old, admitted: "It's a sad day for me because I'm saying goodbye to a friend and tennis is saying goodbye to a great ambassador.

"He was the first Spaniard to be number one and he helped me a lot when I was a young player. I've missed him a lot this last year when he's not been on the circuit."

Moya, speaking at a post-ceremony press conference, never imagined the precocious young talent would become one of the all-time great players.

"He is amazing player," said Moya, who was embraced by past and present players including Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray. “He was a good prospect of being a good player but you never know what can happen. I realised he had something special, but could never think that he could be that good, to be honest.

"He's one of the greatest ever. But he's on his way to become, who knows, maybe the greatest."

Moya also admitted, “I think he helped me. When he was 13 or 14 we were practising together. I was near the Top 10 and sometimes he was beating me during the practice.

"That made me think. That made me improve, and evolve. You see a kid like this kicking your ass so you try to avoid that. So he made me improve and made me more positive.

Moya received a warm reception from 17,500 fans as he walked onto the Centre Court at The O2 in London.

“Although I didn't play great here at Wimbledon, well – one year played fourth round – they treated me always very well. They knew I was a Top 10 player.

“Today has been an honour for me to be here.  Like I said before, I would like to thank the ATP for this recognition. It has been a great feeling.”

http://www.atpworldtour.com/News/Tennis … emony.aspx



#22 02-12-2010 18:33:38



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Re: Carlos Moya

Och, Carlos

Karol Stopa

Pola³y siê ³zy w londyñskiej hali O2. Po¿egnanie koñcz±cego karierê Carlosa Moi do z³udzenia przypomina³o uroczysto¶æ wyprawion± niedawno w Dausze Jelenie Dementiewej.
Ró¿nicê dostrzeg³em tylko jedn±. S³ynne kole¿anki Dementiewej p³aka³y solidarnie niczym na pogrzebie, za to ona do koñca zachowa³a spokój. Nad Tamiz± odwrotnie: gwiazdy mêskiego tenisa przywdzia³y maski pokerzystów, a g³ównemu bohaterowi g³os siê ³ama³ i oczy poci³y. 12 lat po piêciosetowym finale Masters przegranym z Aleksem Corretj± ubrany w garnitur Carlos przyjmowa³ podziêkowania i uk³ony m.in. od Rafy Nadala, dla którego by³ “wujkiem z Majorki”.
Kiedy w 1997 roku w finale Australian Open naprzeciw Pete’a Samprasa stan±³ ma³o znany 20-latek, magazyn “Tennis” pisa³, ¿e: “on przecie¿, jak wszyscy Hiszpanie, przyszed³ na ¶wiat maj±c ceglan± m±czkê na podeszwach butów”. Autor trafi³ kul± w p³ot, bo Carlos wychowywa³ siê akurat na kortach betonowych, a dopiero jako gracz dojrza³y polubi³ czerwon± nawierzchniê. Jego styl gry odbiega³ od wzorca z Pó³wyspu Iberyjskiego, to on zapocz±tkowa³ tam zmiany: du¿o mniej rotacji, wiêcej ryzyka, ostry, równy serwis, jak trzeba to atak przy siatce. Gracz z Palma de Mallorca w roku 1999 zosta³ pierwszym hiszpañskim liderem rankingu ATP, by³ w 44 fina³ach, zdoby³ 20 tytu³ów, zarobi³ na korcie prawie 13,5 mln dolarów.
Mia³ dar uczenia siê najtrudniejszych zagrañ, niestety, brakowa³o mu charakteru i wytrwa³o¶ci Nadala. Szybko siê zapala³ do taktycznych lub technicznych nowinek i jeszcze szybciej traci³ zainteresowanie. Wola³ bekhend obiegaæ, ni¿ go poprawiæ tak, jak to kiedy¶ zrobi³ np. Ivan Lendl. Jako 21-latek wygra³ Roland Garros, kolejne wa¿ne tytu³y wydawa³y siê kwesti± czasu. On tymczasem ani razu nie przekroczy³ potem æwieræfina³u Wielkiego Szlema. Obdarzony wielkim talentem nie zrobi³ zbyt wiele, by go – u¿ywaj±c jêzyka ewangelisty – pomno¿yæ.
Unika³ wielkich publicznych okazji, ale potrafi³ siê bawiæ i korzystaæ z ¿ycia jak ma³o kto. Mog± to potwierdziæ choæby bywalcy sopockich dyskotek. Podobny do Antonia Banderasa mia³ gigantyczne powodzenie u kobiet. Przed trzema miesi±cami zosta³ ojcem córeczki Carli, zwi±zek z jej mam± aktork± Carolin± Cerezuel± jeszcze trwa. Piszê o tym, bo tak jak wybaczy³em Moi jego rozmaite tenisowe niedoróbki, tak do dzi¶ nie mogê zrozumieæ jego decyzji o rozstaniu z W³oszk± Flavi± Pennett±. Carlos, jak mog³e¶ zostawiæ tak± kobietê?!




#23 25-02-2011 00:36:25



Zarejestrowany: 02-10-2008
Posty: 5307

Re: Carlos Moya

Son Moix odda cze¶æ Carlosowi Moyi


Zarz±d Mallorki poinformowa³, ¿e w sobotê przed meczem z Barcelon± zostanie oddany ho³d Carlosowi Moyi, który niedawno zakoñczy³ swoj± karierê tenisow±. By³y numer 1 rankingów ¶wiatowych, zwyciêzca m.in. French Open na kortach Rolanda Garrosa oraz Pucharu Davisa otrzyma z³ote insygnia klubu z Balearów za wspania³a karierê sportow± i uroczy¶cie rozpocznie spotkanie.

Mallorca oczekuje, ¿e uroczysto¶ci zwi±zane z Moy± oraz imprezy organizowane przez fankluby bêd± wspania³ym wstêpem do "spotkania roku", jak nazywa mecz z Barcelon± zarz±d klubu. Oczekiwana jest rekordowa frekwencja - jak na razie najwiêcej kibiców w tym sezonie przysz³o na Son Moix podczas pierwszej kolejki Primera División, kiedy na wyspê przyjecha³ Real Madryt.




#24 16-05-2011 07:51:30



SkÄ…d: Zawoja
Zarejestrowany: 23-05-2009
Posty: 3753

Re: Carlos Moya

Moya To Make Champions Tour Debut In Bogota


Former World Number One Carlos Moya will launch his ATP Champions Tour career at the second annual Seguros Bolivar Tennis Champions in Bogota, Colombia next month (May 19-22).

The 34 year-old, who only retired from the ATP World Tour in November of last year, revealed on his Twitter feed yesterday that it was the lure of competition which had prompted his decision to join the ATP Champions Tour, and the clay courts of Bogota’s Palacio de los Deportes are the perfect place for him to make his much-anticipated debut.

During his 15 years on the ATP World Tour, Moya reached three of the greatest heights in the sport, winning a Grand Slam singles title at Roland Garros in 1998, reaching the World Number One position the following year, and helping Spain to win a Davis Cup title in 2004.

The Spaniard also used the medium of Twitter this week to respond with fighting talk when asked whether he would pose a threat to the dominant forces on the ATP Champions Tour - Thomas Enqvist, who topped the year-end rankings in 2010 and current South African Airways Rankings leader Mark Philippoussis. When asked if he could beat them, Moya replied: "Absolutely.".

Moya will have to reach the final if he is to take on either Philippoussis or defending champion Enqvist in Bogotoa, as the Spaniard has been drawn in to Group A alongside fellow French Open Champion Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Younes El Aynaoui and Colombian Mario Rincon. Group B will see Enqvist and Philippoussis pitted against Colombian Maurcio Hadad as well as former World Number One Thomas Muster.

Matches are played over the best of three sets, with a Champions’ Tie-break (first to 10 points with a clear advantage of two) to decide the winner. After all round-robin matches are complete, the top two players in each group will meet in Tuesday's final.

After Bogota The ATP Champions Tour will continue its South America swing in Sao Paulo, Brazil for the Grand Champions Brasil at the Sociedade Harmonia de Ténis (May 26-29).




#25 01-06-2011 11:18:34



SkÄ…d: Zawoja
Zarejestrowany: 23-05-2009
Posty: 3753

Re: Carlos Moya

Moya Wins First ATP Champions Tour Title In Sao Paulo

Carlos Moya defeated two-time winner Thomas Enqvist to win his first ever ATP Champions Tour tournament at the Grand Champions Brasil in Sao Paulo.

Moya, who trailed Enqvist 3-5 in their head-to-head on the ATP World Tour, found a level of play that Enqvist could not live with to triumph 7-6(0), 6-3.

“I am very happy to win my first tournament on the Champions Tour here in Sao Paulo, a city that I haven’t been to before," said Moya. "I was amazed with the city and the public. I've played in many places around the world and this is one of the most beautiful clubs I've been to.”

Moya added that he enjoyed the unique combination of competition and entertainment on the ATP Champions Tour.

“The head of a sportsman is always focused on winning, and that was the same today," said Moya. "But the atmosphere is more relaxed as well and that requires less physical pressure. I’ve had a great week and am very pleased with how I played. I'll rest now because I played seven games in 12 days, but my idea is to participate in five or six tournaments on the Tour each year. I’ve really enjoyed my first two so I want to continue.”

The first set was predictably tight, with Enqvist having had so many positive experiences in Sao Paulo with victories over the past two years. Once into the Tie-Break it was all Moya. Using his serve and big forehand to good effect, the Spaniard didn't lose a single point.

One break of serve was enough in the second set, and Moya was clearly ecstatic when he sealed match-point to win his first ATP Champions Tour title.

Elsewhere, home favourite Flavio Saretta caused another upset by beating Yevgeny Kafelnikov 1-6, 6-3, 10-6 to take third place.

Matches on the ATP Champions Tour are played over the best of three sets, with a Champions’ Tie-break (first to 10 points with a clear advantage of two) to decide the winner. After all round-robin matches are complete, the top two players in each group meet in the final.

To view the round-robin groups and the order of play for the week in Sao Paulo, go to results.

The Tour will now move on to Algarve, Portugal in August for one of the most popular tournaments of the year.


Carlos w formie. Kilka dni wcze¶niej, w Bogocie uleg³ Markowi Philippousisowi w finale w Super Tie-Breaku.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Serenity (01-06-2011 11:20:20)



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